

php Programming Glossary: me@example.com

How to sanitze user input in PHP before mailing?


from a form submitted via POST and mails them to me php to me@example.com name _POST 'name' message _POST 'message' email _POST 'email'..

Send File Attachment from Form Using phpMailer and PHP


email require phpmailer.php mail new PHPMailer mail From me@example.com mail FromName My name mail AddAddress me@example.com John Doe.. From me@example.com mail FromName My name mail AddAddress me@example.com John Doe mail WordWrap 50 mail IsHTML true mail Subject Contact..

php mail on MAMP


configure SMTP smtp.example.com smtp_port 25 sendmail_from me@example.com in your php.ini file check where it is with phpinfo substituting..

Email PDF Attachment with PHP Using FPDF


email stuff change data below to myemail@example.com from me@example.com subject send email with pdf attachment message p Please see..

PHP Displaying unread mail count


more search flags for example searching for messages from me@example.com you could do this result imap_search connection 'UNSEEN FROM.. could do this result imap_search connection 'UNSEEN FROM me@example.com ' For a complete list of the available flags refer to the criteria..