

php Programming Glossary: mb_detect_encoding

UTF8 workflow PHP, MySQL summarized [closed]


utf8 Businesses logic detect if not UTF8 with mb_detect_encoding and convert with ivon . validating overly long sequences of.. to pass the encoding parameter each time individually. IMO mb_detect_encoding is mostly useless since it's fundamentally impossible to accurately..

Am I correctly supporting UTF-8 in my PHP apps?


convert everything to UTF 8 then what steps should I take mb_detect_encoding seems to be built for this but I keep seeing people complain..

Why does Windows need to `utf8_decode` filenames for `file_get_contents` to work?


every time I make changes to the code I already tried mb_detect_encoding filename 'UTF 8' true utf8_decode filename filename as this..

Ensuring valid utf-8 in PHP


database function make_safe_for_utf8_use string encoding mb_detect_encoding string UTF 8 ISO 8859 1 WINDOWS 1252 if encoding 'UTF 8' return.. 8 validity explicitly. There have been known cases where mb_detect_encoding would guess UTF 8 incorrectly before though I don't know if..

PHP encoding with DOMDocument


xml file.xml' string mb_convert_encoding string 'utf 8' mb_detect_encoding string if you have not escaped entities use string mb_convert_encoding..

file_get_contents() Breaks Up UTF-8 Characters


fn return mb_convert_encoding content 'UTF 8' mb_detect_encoding content 'UTF 8 ISO 8859 1' true You might also try your luck..

Why Does DOM Change Encoding?


string file_get_contents 'http example.com' if 'UTF 8' mb_detect_encoding string dom new DOMDocument hack to preserve UTF 8 characters..

PHP: Convert curl_exec output to UTF8


1 4 PHP's heuristic detection if isset charset encoding mb_detect_encoding data if encoding charset encoding 5 Default for HTML if isset..

PHP: How do I detect if an input string is Arabic


substr k 1 1 return k2 256 k1 function is_arabic str if mb_detect_encoding str 'UTF 8' str mb_convert_encoding str mb_detect_encoding str.. mb_detect_encoding str 'UTF 8' str mb_convert_encoding str mb_detect_encoding str 'UTF 8' str str_split str this function is not mb safe..

UTF8 Encoding problem - With good examples


share improve this question This may be a job for the mb_detect_encoding function. In my limited experience with it it's not 100 reliable.. text entity 'Entity' 'title' echo 'Original ' text. br enc mb_detect_encoding text UTF 8 ISO 8859 1 echo 'Detected encoding '. enc. br echo..

How to detect if have to apply utf8 decode or encode on a string?


share improve this question I can't say I can rely on mb_detect_encoding . Had some freaky false positives a while back. The most universal..

file_get_contents not working with utf8


URL rawChapter mb_convert_encoding rawChapter 'UTF 8' mb_detect_encoding rawChapter 'UTF 8 ISO 8859 1' true When I do this then the characters..

Detect file encoding in PHP


encoding share improve this question Try using the mb_detect_encoding function . This function will examine your string and attempt..

How to detect malformed utf-8 string in PHP?


string 'UTF 8' Another function you can use for it is mb_detect_encoding PHP Manual validUTF8 false mb_detect_encoding string 'UTF 8'.. for it is mb_detect_encoding PHP Manual validUTF8 false mb_detect_encoding string 'UTF 8' true It's important to use the strict parameter..

PHP messing with HTML Charset Encoding


text from_code '' to_code '' if empty from_code from_code mb_detect_encoding text 'auto' if from_code 'ASCII' from_code 'iso 8859 1' if..

Detect encoding and make everything UTF-8


this work function correct_encoding text current_encoding mb_detect_encoding text 'auto' text iconv current_encoding 'UTF 8' text return..