php Programming Glossary: mcrypt_create_iv
hash() vs. crypt() function comparison function generatePasswordHash password salt base64_encode mcrypt_create_iv 8 calculatedPasswordHash crypt password ' 1 ' . salt . ' ' return..
How to encrypt/decrypt data in php? mcrypt_get_iv_size MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128 MCRYPT_MODE_CFB iv mcrypt_create_iv iv_size MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM 16 bytes output Example Let's encrypt..
can't find mcrypt => Call to undefined function Laravel\mcrypt_create_iv() find mcrypt Call to undefined function Laravel mcrypt_create_iv Trying to set up Laravel and keep getting hit with this error...
Best way to use PHP to encrypt and decrypt passwords? [duplicate] ' string to be encrypted ' note the spaces To Encrypt iv mcrypt_create_iv mcrypt_get_iv_size MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 MCRYPT_MODE_CBC MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM..
How to automatically generate salt for crypt method with blowfish do the best you can Since PHP 5.3 you can safely use the mcrypt_create_iv function to read from the random source then you will have to..
How does PHP's password_hash generate the salt? 3 4 1 buffer_valid false if function_exists 'mcrypt_create_iv' buffer mcrypt_create_iv raw_length MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM if buffer.. false if function_exists 'mcrypt_create_iv' buffer mcrypt_create_iv raw_length MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM if buffer buffer_valid true if..
how to sync encryption between delphi and php using dcpcrypt key size mcrypt_get_iv_size MCRYPT_DES MCRYPT_MODE_CBC iv mcrypt_create_iv size MCRYPT_DEV_RANDOM data base64_decode str block mcrypt_get_block_size..
How to save encrypted data in cookie (using php)? double microtime 1000000 for sake of MCRYPT_RAND this iv mcrypt_create_iv this ks MCRYPT_RAND mcrypt_generic_init this td this salt this..
PHP Mcrypt - Encrypting / Decrypting file td mcrypt_module_open self CYPHER '' self MODE '' iv mcrypt_create_iv mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size td MCRYPT_RAND mcrypt_generic_init td..
tripledes encryption not yielding same results in PHP and C# place. td mcrypt_module_open 'tripledes' '' 'ecb' '' iv mcrypt_create_iv mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size td MCRYPT_RAND mcrypt_generic_init td..
PHP AES encrypt / decrypt MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 sSecretKey sDecrypted MCRYPT_MODE_ECB mcrypt_create_iv mcrypt_get_iv_size MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 MCRYPT_MODE_ECB MCRYPT_RAND.. sSecretKey base64_decode sEncrypted MCRYPT_MODE_ECB mcrypt_create_iv mcrypt_get_iv_size MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 MCRYPT_MODE_ECB MCRYPT_RAND.. MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 sSecretKey sValue MCRYPT_MODE_ECB mcrypt_create_iv mcrypt_get_iv_size MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 MCRYPT_MODE_ECB ..
PHP 2-way encryption: I need to store passwords that can be retrieved The encrypted data public function encrypt data key salt mcrypt_create_iv 128 MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM list cipherKey macKey iv this getKeys..
AES-256 encryption in PHP mcrypt_get_iv_size MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128 MCRYPT_MODE_CBC iv mcrypt_create_iv iv_size MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM key pack 'H ' bcb04b7e103a0cd8b54763051cef08bc55abe029fdebae5e1d417e2ffb2a00a3..
How do I create and store md5 passwords in mysql a random salt to use for this account salt bin2hex mcrypt_create_iv 32 MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM saltedPW escapedPW . salt hashedPW hash..
Decrypting strings in Python that were encrypted with MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 in PHP MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 Key text MCRYPT_MODE_ECB mcrypt_create_iv mcrypt_get_iv_size MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 MCRYPT_MODE_ECB MCRYPT_RAND..
forget password page, creating a generated password to email to the user. and using a randomly created salt. password_salt bin2hex mcrypt_create_iv 32 MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM password_hash hash 'sha256' salt . password..
Update old stored md5 passwords in PHP to increase security randomness in there at all . If you want a salt use either mcrypt_create_iv size MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM or some other source of actual random..