

php Programming Glossary: max

unserialize() [function.unserialize]: Error at offset


preg_replace ' s d . e' 's '.strlen ' 2' .' 2 ' data1 max strlen data1 strlen data2 strlen data1 strlen data2 echo data1.. data2 echo data1 . PHP_EOL echo data2 . PHP_EOL for i 0 i max i if @ data1 i @ data2 i echo Diffrence @ data1 i @ data2 i.. PHP_EOL start i 20 start start 0 0 start length 40 point max i if point 20 rlength 1 rpoint point else rpoint length..

How to upload a file using Java HttpClient library working with PHP - strange problem


By PHP 5.2.5 Content Length 51 Keep Alive timeout 5 max 100 Connection Keep Alive Content Type text html Possible file..

Getting a modified preorder tree traversal model (nested set) into a <ul>


getCats retrieve all children of parent query SELECT max rght as max from t_categories row C_DB fetchSingleRow query.. retrieve all children of parent query SELECT max rght as max from t_categories row C_DB fetchSingleRow query max row max.. as max from t_categories row C_DB fetchSingleRow query max row max result ul query SELECT from t_categories where lft 0..

PHP change the maximum upload file size


change the maximum upload file size I have a website hosted on a PC I have.. a file I receive a error claiming the file exceeds the max size allowed so I need to increase the size. My research on.. this question You need to set the value of upload_max_filesize and post_max_size in your php.ini Maximum allowed size..

PHP PDO bindValue in LIMIT


pictures WHERE album albumId ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT skip max fetchPictures bindValue ' albumId' _GET 'albumid' PDO PARAM_INT.. ' skip' 0 PDO PARAM_INT fetchPictures bindValue ' max' max PDO PARAM_INT fetchPictures execute or die print_r fetchPictures.. ' skip' 0 PDO PARAM_INT fetchPictures bindValue ' max' max PDO PARAM_INT fetchPictures execute or die print_r fetchPictures..

What is the size limit of a post request?


says yes http bytes.com topic php answers 538226 what maximum limit using post method And it all goes back and forth what.. you can control these using .htaccess like so #set max post size php_value post_max_size 20M And yes I can personally.. using .htaccess like so #set max post size php_value post_max_size 20M And yes I can personally attest to the fact that this..

List of Big-O for PHP functions


effectively O 1 for most realistic values . tests 1000000 max 5000001 for i 1 i max i 10000 create lookup array array array_fill.. realistic values . tests 1000000 max 5000001 for i 1 i max i 10000 create lookup array array array_fill 0 i NULL build..

How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter?


be switched but shouldn't be there in the first place No max limit on login attempts VERY unsafe Dealbreaker Hijacks form.. with optional client side Javascript validator Enforced maximum number of failed login attempts with BEST PRACTICES countermeasures..

Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now


' . n function getRowsByArticleSearch searchString table max con mysqli_connect localhost user password db recordsQuery SELECT.. ' ' ORDER BY str_to_date ACCESSSTARTS ' d m Y k i s' . max if getRecords con prepare recordsQuery getRecords bind_param..

Preferred method to store PHP arrays (json_encode vs serialize)


else echo 'Unpossible ' function fillArray depth max static seed if is_null seed seed array 'a' 2 'c' 4 'e' 6 'g'.. seed seed array 'a' 2 'c' 4 'e' 6 'g' 8 'i' 10 if depth max node array foreach seed as key node key fillArray depth 1..

Having trouble with PHPMailer


'FROM NAME' Mail WordWrap 900 RFC 2822 Compliant for Max 998 characters per line Mail AddAddress email To Mail isHTML.. 'GMail Test' Mail WordWrap 900 RFC 2822 Compliant for Max 998 characters per line Mail AddAddress ToEmail To Mail isHTML..

JavaScript: How do I create JSONP?


Allow Origin http www.example.com ' header 'Access Control Max Age 3628800' header 'Access Control Allow Methods GET POST PUT..

List of Big-O for PHP functions


Subtraction array_intersect_key if intersection 100 do O Max param_i_size ‘param_i_count for all i if intersection 0 intersect.. O n^2 array_intersect_assoc if intersection 100 do O Max param_i_size ‘param_i_count for all i if intersection 0 intersect..

PHP replaces spaces with underlines


if I have the URL http localhost proxy.php user name Max the browser will convert it to http localhost proxy.php user.. will convert it to http localhost proxy.php user 20name Max . But if I give the _GET parameters out the key is not user..

Force PHP integer overflow


of a particular version of PHP compiled with a particular Max int. Thus I cam up with the following cross PHP thirtyTwoBitIntval..

Max file number can php upload at same time


file number can php upload at same time Hello I am using the..

Real code in dynamic programming with problems like knapsack in PHP [closed]


Brian Berneker # #It works uncorrectly For examle if aw 4. Max value is true but no Array Indices and its parameters are displayed.. Display Result echo b Items b br .join items4 . br echo b Max Value Found b br m4 in numcalls calls br echo b Array Indices.. overclothes note case sunglasses towel socks book Max Value Found 1030 in 8725 calls Array Indices 0 1 2 3 4 6 10..

Blueimp jQuery file upload, passing extra form data


Filetype not allowed else error 'maxNumberOfFiles' Max number of files exceeded else error if td else td class progress.. Filetype not allowed else error 'maxNumberOfFiles' Max number of files exceeded else error 'uploadedBytes' Uploaded..

Large File Upload Errors with PHP


looks like a browser timeout. Here are my php ini settings Max memory allocation 12M Max file upload size 10M Max HTTP Post.. Here are my php ini settings Max memory allocation 12M Max file upload size 10M Max HTTP Post size 10M Max execution time.. Max memory allocation 12M Max file upload size 10M Max HTTP Post size 10M Max execution time 60 Max input parsing time..

Benchmarking Performance of node.js (cluster) with mysql pools : Lighttpd + PHP?


Apache JMeter End Results Label # Samples Average Min Max Std. Dev. Error Throughput KB sec Avg. Bytes HTTP Requests Lighttpd..

Max size of URL parameters in _GET


size of URL parameters in _GET I am accessing a PHP server..

Merge a table and a change log into a view in PostgreSQL


chg_val JOIN SELECT chg_rec.unique_id chg_rec.column_name MAX chg_rec.updated_at FROM information_schema.columns AS source..

query to get last message only from all users


try with query select from messages WHERE datetime SELECT MAX datetime FROM messages but it has error shown Unknown column.. a.message from table1 a WHERE a.datetime SELECT MAX datetime FROM table1 x WHERE x.from_user_id a.from_user_id ..

Query caching yii framework


it. My code is dependency new CDbCacheDependency 'SELECT MAX id FROM tbl_points_log where user_id '.Yii app user id sql 'SELECT..

Calculating total quantity of equipments for a date range


all date ranges that intersect with the given range SELECT MAX available IFNULL SUM amountInSch 0 FROM Table1 LEFT JOIN Table3..

mysql order by rand() performance issue and solution


question First of all generate a random value from 1 to MAX id not 100000000. Then there are at least a couple of good solutions..

PHP: how to get last inserted ID of a table?


ID of the table. How can I do this Is it similar to SELECT MAX id FROM table php mysql share improve this question If..

How can I throttle user login attempts in PHP


retrieve the latest failed login attempts sql 'SELECT MAX attempted AS attempted FROM failed_logins' result mysql_query..

Remove “columns” from the subarrays of a two dimensional array


array share improve this question const MAX 2 maximum number of elements foreach array as element element..

Select last row in MySQL


the rows in the table then this is finally the time where MAX id is the right answer kind of. SELECT fields FROM table ORDER..

MySQL select random row with JOIN from two tables


BY RAND with AND product_db.unique_id ROUND RAND SELECT MAX unique_id FROM product_db using instead of in case that unique_id.. 'Online' AND product_db.unique_id ROUND RAND SELECT MAX unique_id FROM product_db LIMIT 1 share improve this answer..

creating primary key based on date


value for the AUTO_INCREMENT column is calculated as MAX auto_increment_column 1 WHERE prefix given prefix . This is..

Problem with auto-incremented “id” column


Selecting the last 7 days from Now() in MYSQL


DATE order_date FROM wp_pixelcart_daily_sales AND SELECT MAX DATE order_date FROM wp_pixelcart_daily_sales GROUP BY DATE.. DATE order_date FROM wp_pixelcart_daily_sales AND SELECT MAX DATE order_date FROM wp_pixelcart_daily_sales To this BETWEEN..

PHP: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given [duplicate]


field id _POST 'id' Find highest answer number. sql SELECT MAX a_id AS Maxa_id FROM tbl_name WHERE question_id ' id' result..

php/MySQL insert row then get 'id'


. Whatever you do don't insert and then do a SELECT MAX id FROM mytable . Like you say it's a race condition and there's..