

php Programming Glossary: mcrypt_module_open

How to do AES256 decryption in PHP?


what I have now function decrypt_data data iv key cypher mcrypt_module_open MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128 '' MCRYPT_MODE_CBC '' initialize encryption..

How to save encrypted data in cookie (using php)?


key @return void function __construct salt this td mcrypt_module_open 'rijndael 256' '' 'ofb' '' algorithm this ks mcrypt_enc_get_key_size..

PHP Mcrypt - Encrypting / Decrypting file


'somesecretphrase' public function encrypt plaintext td mcrypt_module_open self CYPHER '' self MODE '' iv mcrypt_create_iv mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size.. crypttext base64_decode crypttext plaintext '' td mcrypt_module_open self CYPHER '' self MODE '' ivsize mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size td..

tripledes encryption not yielding same results in PHP and C#


input Let us meet at 9 o'clock at the secret place. td mcrypt_module_open 'tripledes' '' 'ecb' '' iv mcrypt_create_iv mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size..

Encrypting data in Cocoa, decoding in PHP (and vice versa)


base64_decode p_data true iv base64_decode p_iv true td mcrypt_module_open MCRYPT_BLOWFISH '' MCRYPT_MODE_CBC '' keySize mcrypt_enc_get_key_size..

AES encrypt in Node.js Decrypt in PHP. Fail.


iv sixteenbyteslong Open the cipher td mcrypt_module_open MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128 '' MCRYPT_MODE_CBC '' Intialize encryption..