

php Programming Glossary: mb_strlen

Limit input length of text that contains HTML tags


html_entity_decode string Or the multi byte equivalent mb_strlen strip_tags html_entity_decode string 'auto' share improve..

PHP LZW Binary Decompression Function


currChar out array currChar code 256 phrase '' for i 1 i mb_strlen s i currCode implode unpack 'N ' str_pad iconv 'UTF 8' 'UTF..

Can I cause a redirect to occur before my php script finishes?


send soon. header Connection close header Content Length . mb_strlen resp echo resp @ob_end_clean ob_end_flush flush in various permutations..

Is there a PDF parser for PHP? [closed]


the length... When testing lengths don't use strlen . Use mb_strlen string '8bit' since it will compensate for different character..

Localized (short) month names using IntlDateFormatter in PHP?


localeFormat locale date pad str_repeat ' ' max 0 8 mb_strlen monthLabel 'UTF 8' printf s s s locale monthLabel pad echo n..

How to continue process after responding to ajax request in PHP?


true header Connection close header Content Length . mb_strlen response echo response flush do_function_that_takes_five_mins..

How to generate random password with PHP?


count mb_strlen chars for i 0 result '' i length i index rand 0 count 1 result..

Truncate a multibyte String to n chars


truncate string chars 50 terminator ' cutPos chars mb_strlen terminator boundaryPos mb_strrpos mb_substr string 0 mb_strpos..

Should I use multi-byte overloading (mbstring.func_overload)?


functions e.g. strlen with their multi byte equivalents mb_strlen . There aren't any comments on the PHP manual page. Are there..

PHP: get remote file size with strlen? (html)


do it file file_get_contents http www.google.com filesize mb_strlen file 1000 KBs mb_ in case file contains unicode Would this be..

Multi-byte safe wordwrap() function for UTF-8


x00 x7F xC0 xFF x80 xBF '. width.' #' if function_exists 'mb_strlen' str_len mb_strlen str 'UTF 8' else str_len preg_match_all '.. xBF '. width.' #' if function_exists 'mb_strlen' str_len mb_strlen str 'UTF 8' else str_len preg_match_all ' x00 x7F xC0 xFD '..

How to reverse a Unicode string


string i 1 return ret function str_to_array2 string length mb_strlen string UTF 8 ret for i 0 i length i 1 ret mb_substr string i..

UTF-8 characters don't display correctly


information using HTTP headers. PS you also have to use mb_strlen because strlen on UTF8 strings will probably report more than..

Declaration to make PHP script completely Unicode-friendly


substr work like the corresponding character functions eg mb_strlen mb_strstr mb_strpos and mb_substr . All regexes and regexy functions..

Wrong output when using array indexing on UTF-8 string


two bytes are in fact just one character you need to use mb_strlen for this string ü ö ä echo mb_strlen mb_substr string 0 1 'utf.. you need to use mb_strlen for this string ü ö ä echo mb_strlen mb_substr string 0 1 'utf 8' 'utf 8' Finally as Marwelln points.. redundancy string ü ö ä mb_internal_encoding 'utf 8' echo mb_strlen mb_substr string 0 1 You can see most of the above in action..

fwrite() and UTF8


Note each piece of data returns 'IS utf 8' if strlen data mb_strlen data 'UTF 8' print 'NOT UTF 8' else print 'IS utf 8' Thanks..

Push notification not receiving on iphone


. pack 'H ' str_replace ' ' '' deviceToken . chr 0 . chr mb_strlen payload . payload fwrite apns apnsMessage socket_close apns..

Wordwrap / Cut Text in HTML string


nodeType XML_TEXT_NODE text trim node nodeValue length mb_strlen text width length if width 0 Here I would like to delete..