

php Programming Glossary: matrix

LSA - Latent Semantic Analysis - How to code it in PHP?


complex just take the number of occurrences. Build up a matrix The columns are some documents from the database the more the.. Singular Value Decomposition SVD . Use the values in the matrix S SVD to do the dimension reduction how . I hope you can help.. order. If not you have to do more acrobatics. M corpus matrix w words by d documents w rows d columns . These can be raw counts..

PHP - how to flip the rows and columns of a 2D array


the form rows count arr cols count arr 0 assumes non empty matrix ridx 0 cidx 0 out array foreach arr as rowidx row foreach row..

php (fuzzy) search matching


titles should just be an array of strings. Now create a matrix and compare each headline against EVERY other headline for similarity... In other words for 5 headlines you will get a 5 x 5 matrix 25 entries. That's where the CPU and memory sink goes in. That's.. SORT_NUMERIC At this point what you basically have is a matrix with text distances. In concept not in real data it looks sort..

Why should I use templating system in PHP?


Issues porting PHP/GD wrapper to Imagick


0 size 1 true result false if empty sharp true is_array matrix array_fill 0 9 1 true array_splice matrix 4 1 is_int sharp.. true is_array matrix array_fill 0 9 1 true array_splice matrix 4 1 is_int sharp true sharp 16 if function_exists 'ImageConvolution'.. true ImageConvolution image array_chunk matrix 3 array_sum matrix 0 if isset merge true is_resource merge..

Is there any way to detect strings like putjbtghguhjjjanika?


you have a probability. Then for a query walk through the matrix and compute the product of the transitions you take. Then normalize..

Search matrix for all rectangles of given dimensions (select blocks of seats)


matrix for all rectangles of given dimensions select blocks of seats.. mysql in another language. In other words you have a matrix of seats some of which are occupied grey ones and you want to..

Generating and reading barcode


kind of barcode you want to use. You could also use a data matrix. Then you create the bar code as image so that you can print.. field he focuses the text field scans the barcode data matrix and your package ID 1234 will appear in the text field Submit..

Efficient way to determine the outcome of test matrix


to determine the outcome of test matrix Related Questions Matrix Combination Logic Would cartesian product be the best approach.. can be combined with all other validations to form a Matrix of validation test combinations. Specific combinations of the.. is a short example V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 M1 T T T T T For this Matrix row it would PASS M2 F T T F T For this Matrix row it would..

Would cartesian product be the best approach for this


product be the best approach for this Related Questions Matrix Combination Logic Efficient way to determine the outcome of..

Matrix Combination Logic


Combination Logic NOTE Please read all other related questions.. and also the validation result. I was looking into a Matrix to hold all possible combinations but that might be an overkill...

User recognition without cookies or local storage


Network I suggest at least using a Simple Probability Matrix with priorities and likelihoods and I hope the code and examples..

Matrix artihmetic in PHP?


artihmetic in PHP does anyone know of a library in PHP that.. share improve this question You could try the Math_Matrix library. I haven't used it but it seems to be fairly comprehensive..

Cycle MLM Matrix Recursion PHP


MLM Matrix Recursion PHP I am working at Matrix MLM Tree or Cycle. I made.. MLM Matrix Recursion PHP I am working at Matrix MLM Tree or Cycle. I made recursion functions and It's working..

Generating and reading barcode


the bar code as image so that you can print it. Data Matrix is very good for large custom data. A jQuery Barcode Generator..