

php Programming Glossary: mdb

How to create a new .MDB file with php?


but my boss is asking if is's possible to create a mdb file. I've never come across any sample on creating a new MDB.. trying to reduce user load mistakes by providing them with mdb instead of CSV that they have to import into Access. Currently.. is the class the source link is provided below php class mdb var RS 0 var ADODB 0 var RecordsAffected var strProvider 'Provider..

Access from PHP to .mdb file on Ubuntu


from PHP to .mdb file on Ubuntu I've got a problem of obtaining access to .mdb.. file on Ubuntu I've got a problem of obtaining access to .mdb file MS Access db on Ubuntu. I need full access read and write.. ms access share improve this question By installing mdbtools from the Linux repository you can work with mdb in Linux...