

php Programming Glossary: mbstring

Issues installing PHP 5.3 with apache on centos


php53u cli php53u common php53u devel php53u gd php53u mbstring php53u mcrypt php53u mysql php53u pdo php53u soap php53u xml..

PHP 5.4 after-install: preg_match(): Compilation failed: unknown option bit(s) set at offset 0


with ldap usr with ldap sasl usr with libedit usr enable mbstring enable mbregex with mysql mysqlnd with mysqli mysqlnd with pdo.. with ldap usr with ldap sasl usr with libedit usr enable mbstring enable mbregex with mysql mysqlnd with mysqli mysqlnd with pdo..

How do I get only a determined number of words from a string in php?


safe version of the above function and have either the mbstring or iconv extensions installed simply replace all the string..

Regex to detect Invalid UTF-8 String


8. But that's not a portable solution as it requires the mbstring extension to be compiled in and enabled. Additionally it won't..

How to best configure PHP to handle a UTF-8 website


sets at the moment. So far I have worked out that mbstring looks like an important extension. Is it worth the hassle.... utf 8 PHP in php.ini default_charset utf 8 mbstring.internal_encoding utf 8 mbstring.http_output UTF 8 mbstring.encoding_translation.. default_charset utf 8 mbstring.internal_encoding utf 8 mbstring.http_output UTF 8 mbstring.encoding_translation On mbstring.func_overload..

UTF-8 all the way through


part. You'll probably want to make extensive use of PHP's mbstring extension. PHP's built in string operations are not by default.. but for most things you should use the equivalent mbstring function. To know what you're doing read not mess it up you..

Fastest Way to Serve a File Using PHP


How to handle user input of invalid UTF-8 characters?


what before json_encode EDIT I'm very familiar with the mbstring extension and am not asking how does UTF 8 work in PHP . I'd..

Convert utf8-characters to iso-88591 and back in PHP


How to reverse a Unicode string


Grapheme functions handle UTF 8 string more correctly than mbstring and PCRE functions Mbstring and PCRE may break characters. You.. be' o xCC x88 . a xCC x8A 'grapheme' utf8_strrev string 'mbstring' utf8_strrev2 string 'pcre' utf8_strrev3 string The result is.. be string 12 6FCC8861CC8A grapheme string 12 6FCC8861CC8A mbstring string 12 CC886FCC8A61 pcre string 12 CC886FCC8A61 IntlBreakIterator..

How to write file in UTF-8 format?


I save files in utf 8 encoding php encoding utf 8 iconv mbstring share improve this question file_get_contents file_put_contents..

Declaration to make PHP script completely Unicode-friendly


point though is the Function Overloading Feature of the mbstring extension quoting mbstring supports a 'function overloading'.. Overloading Feature of the mbstring extension quoting mbstring supports a 'function overloading' feature which enables you..

Preparing PHP application to use with UTF-8


OS Is there any comprehensive list of those settings E.g. mbstring options iconv settings locale etc I should set up for each multi.. UTF 8 php_value iconv.output_encoding UTF 8 php_value mbstring.internal_encoding UTF 8 php_value mbstring.http_output UTF 8.. UTF 8 php_value mbstring.internal_encoding UTF 8 php_value mbstring.http_output UTF 8 php_value mbstring.encoding_translation On..

Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters by question marks, mbstring.substitute_character seems ignored


invalid UTF 8 characters by question marks mbstring.substitute_character seems ignored I would like to replace.. for example Thanks. php utf 8 character encoding mbstring share improve this question You can use mb_convert_encoding.. passing Unicode code point to mb_substitute_character or mbstring.substitute_character directive. The default character for substitution..

Natural sorting algorithm in PHP with support for Unicode?


2 3 4 5 6 under PHP 5 All the multi byte string functions mbstring iconv ... are available on my system. EDIT I want to natsort..

how do i install php 5.4 on Mac OS X Lion?


with ldap usr with ldap sasl usr with libedit usr enable mbstring enable mbregex with mysql mysqlnd with mysqli mysqlnd without..