

php Programming Glossary: mb_internal_encoding

UTF8 Filenames in PHP and Different Unicode Encodings


UTF8 as its default encoding via php_ini as well as set mb_internal_encoding . I checked the PHP filepath string encoding and it comes out..

PHP Multi Byte str_replace?


my internal character handler set to UTF 8 according to mb_internal_encoding also the value of str is UTF 8 so from what I can tell all the..

PHP function imagettftext() and unicode


http example5.nfshost.com phpinfo Code mb_language 'uni' mb_internal_encoding 'UTF 8' header 'Content type image gif' text ' ¥æœ¬èª font '. Cyberbit.ttf'..

php regex word boundary matching in utf-8


'German_Germany.utf 8' 'de_DE' 'german' var_dump mb_internal_encoding var_dump mb_internal_encoding 'utf 8' var_dump mb_internal_encoding.. 8' 'de_DE' 'german' var_dump mb_internal_encoding var_dump mb_internal_encoding 'utf 8' var_dump mb_internal_encoding var_dump mb_regex_encoding.. var_dump mb_internal_encoding 'utf 8' var_dump mb_internal_encoding var_dump mb_regex_encoding var_dump mb_regex_encoding 'utf 8'..

How do I remove  from the beginning of a file?


actually interpret the BOM correctly for that you can use mb_internal_encoding like this php Storing the previous encoding in case you have.. and counting on the default value. previous_encoding mb_internal_encoding Set the encoding to UTF 8 so when reading files it ignores the.. encoding to UTF 8 so when reading files it ignores the BOM mb_internal_encoding 'UTF 8' Process the CSS files... Finally return to the previous..

How to write file in UTF-8 format?


old encoding header 'Content type text html charset utf 8' mb_internal_encoding 'UTF 8' fpath folder d dir fpath while False a d read if a '.'..

PHP messing with HTML Charset Encoding


it to Mysql before it's store. mb_convert_encoding text mb_internal_encoding 'UTF 8' If it's UTF 8 to internal encoding Short it means that.. This is the internal encoding I have chosen to use. mb_internal_encoding 'iso 8859 1' Internal encoding This is a code i use. mb_language.. This is a code i use. mb_language 'uni' Mail encoding mb_internal_encoding 'iso 8859 1' Internal encoding mb_http_output 'pass' Skip function..

How to use special characters in recipients name when using PHP's mail function


should do it just as shown in the example mb_internal_encoding 'UTF 8' name '山本' email 'yamamoto@example.com' addr mb_encode_mimeheader..

MySQL - Convert latin1 characters on a UTF8 table into UTF8


all my VARCHAR columns are utf8_unicode_ci as well. I have mb_internal_encoding 'UTF 8' on my PHP scripts and all my PHP files are encoded as..