

java Programming Glossary: getlistcellrenderercomponent

Setting a tooltip for a value from JComboBox's Items as CellEditor in JTable


new DefaultListCellRenderer @Override public Component getListCellRendererComponent JList list Object value int index boolean isSelected boolean.. value .getInitials else setToolTipText null return super.getListCellRendererComponent list value index isSelected cellHasFocus JComboBox editingCombo..

Changing JList row color at runtime


MyListCellRenderer setOpaque true public Component getListCellRendererComponent JList paramlist Object value int index boolean isSelected boolean..

How do I make a list with checkboxes in Java Swing?


must return a JCheckbox in the implementantion of getListCellRendererComponent ... method. But this JCheckbox will not be editable is a simple..

How to use Map element as text of a JComboBox


extends BasicComboBoxRenderer public Component getListCellRendererComponent JList list Object value int index boolean isSelected boolean.. int index boolean isSelected boolean cellHasFocus super.getListCellRendererComponent list value index isSelected cellHasFocus if value null Item..

What is the Swing-equivalent to HTML <optgroup>


extends DefaultListCellRenderer @Override public Component getListCellRendererComponent JList list Object value int index boolean isSelected boolean.. cellHasFocus if value instanceof Delimiter return super.getListCellRendererComponent list value index isSelected cellHasFocus else JLabel label..

How to prevent JComboBox from becoming unresponsive when using a custom ListCellRenderer


JLabel label new JLabel Test @Override public Component getListCellRendererComponent JList list Object value int index boolean isSelected boolean.. new JLabel Test .getFont @Override public Component getListCellRendererComponent JList list Object value int index boolean isSelected boolean.. int index boolean isSelected boolean cellHasFocus super.getListCellRendererComponent list value index isSelected cellHasFocus if value instanceof..

JComboBox change drop-down popup


this.delegate delegate @Override public Component getListCellRendererComponent JList list Object value int index boolean isSelected boolean.. boolean cellHasFocus Component component delegate.getListCellRendererComponent list value index isSelected cellHasFocus Dimension size component.getPreferredSize..

Expand JList row height depending on content


a CustomCellRenderer like so @Override public Component getListCellRendererComponent final JList list final Object value final int index final boolean..

Getting fonts, sizes, bold,…etc


extends DefaultListCellRenderer public Component getListCellRendererComponent JList list Object value int index boolean isSelected boolean.. isSelected boolean cellHasFocus JLabel label JLabel super.getListCellRendererComponent list value index isSelected cellHasFocus Font font new Font..

Set Size of JComboBox PopupMenu


extends BasicComboBoxRenderer public Component getListCellRendererComponent JList list Object value int index boolean isSelected boolean.. extends BasicComboBoxRenderer public Component getListCellRendererComponent JList list Object value int index boolean isSelected boolean..

Disable items in JList


final long serialVersionUID 1L @Override public Component getListCellRendererComponent JList list Object value int index boolean isSelected boolean.. isSelected boolean cellHasFocus Component comp super.getListCellRendererComponent list value index false false JComponent jc JComponent comp if..

Change Font at runtime


final long serialVersionUID 1L @Override public Component getListCellRendererComponent JList list Object value int index boolean isSelected boolean.. int index boolean isSelected boolean cellHasFocus super.getListCellRendererComponent list value index isSelected cellHasFocus final Object fntObj.. final long serialVersionUID 1L @Override public Component getListCellRendererComponent JList list Object value int index boolean isSelected boolean..