

java Programming Glossary: getcontentresolver

ContentProvider insert() always runs on UI thread?


has been previously set to the result of the getContentResolver method. I've tried putting insertContentsIntoDB in its own Thread..

android device id confusion


35c2acdd... source If I use Settings.Secure.getString getContentResolver Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID the result starts with a96b4b27.....

Delete call log in android for particular number


number. try String strNumberOne number Cursor cursor getContentResolver .query CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI null CallLog.Calls.NUMBER strNumberOne.. cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndex CallLog.Calls._ID getContentResolver .delete Uri.withAppendedPath CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI String.valueOf..

Android: Saving Picture to a File and Retrieving it


requestCode resultCode data Uri selectedImage imageUri getContentResolver .notifyChange selectedImage null ContentResolver cr getContentResolver.. .notifyChange selectedImage null ContentResolver cr getContentResolver try bitmap android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Media .getBitmap..

Using Singleton design pattern for SQLiteDatabase


database helper with ContentProviders. Simply call getContentResolver from the Activity and the system will take care of everything.. works on the android emulator but not on android device used as a emulator


Settings.Secure.getString getContentResolver Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID Then I copy pasted that device Id..

Sms ContentObserver onChange() fires multiple times


selfChange querySMS protected void querySMS Cursor cur getContentResolver .query u null null null null cur.moveToNext this will make it..

Android - Update a contact


Bitmap bitmap MediaStore.Images.Media.getBitmap context.getContentResolver Uri.parse r.getPhoto ByteArrayOutputStream image new ByteArrayOutputStream.. catch Exception e e.printStackTrace Update try context.getContentResolver .applyBatch ContactsContract.AUTHORITY ops catch Exception e.. 1 Cursor c context.getContentResolver .query ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI CONTACTS_SUMMARY_PROJECTION..