java Programming Glossary: getmessage
Alternative of Multiple inheritance in Java InformationMessageBean showtheInformation theObject.getMessage Now the problem is if i want to have a bean which is both BackPageAware.. need to duplicate any code. interface InfoMessAware String getMessage interface BackPageAware String getBackPage class DefaultInfoMessAware.. String getBackPage class DefaultInfoMessAware String getMessage return message class DefaultBackPageAware String getBackPage..
Using CsvBeanReader to read a CSV file with a variable number of columns public String getWindow return Window public String getMessage return Message public int getX return X public int getY return..
How to write exception(printStackTrace()) into txt file in java? a method for writing into txt file writePrintStackTrace f.getMessage this is my own method using f.getMessage argument i will write.. f.getMessage this is my own method using f.getMessage argument i will write into txt file. The problem is in printStackMethod.. printing in console lineNumbers exception everything.But getMessage only we r getting error message.There is no line numbers.So..
javax.xml.bind.JAXBException: Class *** nor any of its super class is known to this context e response.setCode MessageCode.ERROR response.setMessage e.getMessage e.printStackTrace return response Response Class import void setCode MessageCode code this.code code public String getMessage return message public void setMessage String message this.message..
Getting localized message from resourceBundle via annotations in Spring Framework protected MessageSource resource protected String getMessage String code Object object Locale locale return resource.getMessage.. String code Object object Locale locale return resource.getMessage code object locale Is there a way for it to be like getting.. LocaleContextHolder.getLocale return messageSource.getMessage key new Object 0 locale @Override public String toString return..
Should you report the message text of exceptions? of the exception. That is the text provided by Throwable.getMessage or Throwable.getLocalizedMessage I think not but it seems many.. only detection and initiation. That is I'd argue that the getMessage part of the design of Throwable was a mistake. The message is.. kinds of I O erors in diffferent catch clauses making the getMessage text less important. That implies even the Java designers are..
JAX-RS with embedded server class RestServer @GET @Produces text html public String getMessage System.out.println sayHello return Hello world Main method..
Mocking Logger and LoggerFactory with PowerMock and Mockito LoggerFactory.getLogger ExampleService.class public String getMessage if logger.isDebugEnabled logger.debug isDebugEnabled logger.debug.. loggerMock .debug any String.class assertThat service.getMessage is Hello null 0 verify loggerMock atLeast 1 .isDebugEnabled.. loggerMock .debug any String.class assertThat service.getMessage is Hello null 0 verify loggerMock atLeast 1 .isDebugEnabled..