

java Programming Glossary: getformat

Playing MP3 using Java Sound API


dataLine AudioSystem.getSourceDataLine clip.getFormat Provides the entire audio buffer of this clip. @return audioData.. int frames return frames long dataLine.getFormat .getSampleRate 1000 Converts a duration in milliseconds to.. long milliseconds return int milliseconds dataLine.getFormat .getSampleRate @Override public void update LineEvent le logger.log..

Detect silence when recording


float level private int frameSize public RecordAudio getFormat private AudioFormat getFormat File file new File src Facebook.. frameSize public RecordAudio getFormat private AudioFormat getFormat File file new File src Facebook 1.wav AudioInputStream stream.. stream AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream file format stream.getFormat frameSize stream.getFormat .getFrameSize return stream.getFormat..

How to develop screen capture to video application


The mux does not support the input format tcs 0 .getFormat return false tcs 0 .setFormat f 0 System.err.println Setting.. of each video frame. That will be JPEG. public Format getFormat return format public ContentDescriptor getContentDescriptor..

How do you play a long AudioClip?


dataLine AudioSystem.getSourceDataLine clip.getFormat Provides the entire audio buffer of this clip. @return audioData.. int frames return frames long dataLine.getFormat .getSampleRate 1000 Converts a duration in milliseconds to.. long milliseconds return int milliseconds dataLine.getFormat .getSampleRate @Override public void update LineEvent le logger.log..