

java Programming Glossary: getforeground

Drawing a rectangle that won't disappear in next paint


String text Integer.toString lstShapes.size g2d.setColor getForeground g2d.drawString text getWidth fm.stringWidth text getHeight fm.getHeight..

Is there any way to accept only numeric values in a JTextField?


super.updateUI fBackground getBackground fForeground getForeground private boolean validContent AbstractFormatter formatter getFormatter..

how can you make a progress bar without using JProgressBar?


g.getFontMetrics int stringW 0 int stringH 0 g2d.setColor getForeground if isEnabled int p getValue String percent Integer.toString..

Java Applet Game 2D Window Scrolling


.height draw elements in background dbg.setColor getForeground paint dbg draw image on the screen g.drawImage dbImage 0 0 this..

How can I make this JButton visible? When I have progressive scan background JWindow()?


AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER alpha g2.setColor getForeground g2.setFont font FontMetrics fm g2.getFontMetrics String s getTitle..

make a button round


stroke. protected void paintBorder Graphics g g.setColor getForeground g.drawOval 0 0 getSize .width 1 getSize .height 1 Hit detection...

Stretch a JLabel text


g2d.fillRect 0 0 bi.getWidth bi.getHeight g2d.setColor getForeground layout.draw g2d 0 r.y g2d.dispose return bi private static void..

Layering multiple GlassPane's in a Root Container


true message.setText text message.setForeground getForeground else message.setVisible false setVisible true setCursor..