java Programming Glossary: getfont
Drawing JTable rows and columns on a Panel int height String str JTable model Font font public Font getFont return font public void setFont Font font this.font font public.. Border columnBorder protected Font font public Font getFont return font public void setFont Font font this.font font public..
Get the exact Stringposition in PDF getTextRenderMode the text render mode public DocumentFont getFont the font public float getSingleSpaceWidth the width in user..
JTable center alignment not working setHorizontalAlignment JLabel.CENTER setFont getFont .deriveFont 50f return this JTable table new JTable model..
java/swing: converting a text string to a Shape Test extends JPanel private Shape s public Test Font f getFont .deriveFont Font.BOLD 70 GlyphVector v f.createGlyphVector getFontMetrics.. .deriveFont Font.BOLD 70 GlyphVector v f.createGlyphVector getFontMetrics f .getFontRenderContext Hello s v.getOutline setPreferredSize.. 70 GlyphVector v f.createGlyphVector getFontMetrics f .getFontRenderContext Hello s v.getOutline setPreferredSize new Dimension..
Java/Swing: low-profile button height? button 1 Smaller font jf.add new JButton button 2 setFont getFont .deriveFont 7f Similar to your suggestion jf.add new JButton..
How to highlight part of a JLabel? the Font you're using. FontMetrics metrics new FontMetrics getFont Now you can get all the information you need to create a rectangle..
Custom Fonts in Java new Font serif Font.PLAIN 24 private static Font getFont String name Font font null if name null return SERIF_FONT try.. fonts.get name null return font String fName Params.get .getFontPath name File fontFile new File fName font Font.createFont Font.TRUETYPE_FONT..
How to add sexy on/off sliders? green new Color 130 160 130 private Font font new JLabel .getFont private int gap 5 private int globalWitdh 0 private final String.. trueLabel this.falseLabel falseLabel double trueLenth getFontMetrics getFont .getStringBounds trueLabel getGraphics .getWidth.. this.falseLabel falseLabel double trueLenth getFontMetrics getFont .getStringBounds trueLabel getGraphics .getWidth double falseLenght..