

java Programming Glossary: getgraphics

can't get my coordinates graphics2D mouseclick java


to left my image as it is 0 0 w h mygraphics2D Graphics2D getGraphics graphics2D.scale 2.0 2.0 graphics2D.rotate .... graphics2D.drawImage..

.drawLine() issues and buffered image


public void mouseDragged MouseEvent e Graphics g buffered.getGraphics g.setColor mycol Graphics2D graph Graphics2D g BasicStroke.. Graphics2D object of the BufferedImage so instead of using getGraphics always use createGraphics which returns the Graphics2D object..

Drawing an image at a point of another image


the image still so 495 50 of the frame. I could also use getGraphics of the background image and draw the smaller image onto it but..

how can you make a progress bar without using JProgressBar?


PREFERRED_PROGRESS_COLOR public void updateGraphics update getGraphics @Override protected void paintComponent Graphics g int w displayWidth..

Painted content invisible while resizing in Java


ComponentEvent e this.contentView.paint this.contentView.getGraphics I am beware of the fact using the paint getGraphics method isn't.. I am beware of the fact using the paint getGraphics method isn't a really good way to do this but since the repaint.. Live resize this.contentView.paint this.contentView.getGraphics Or public void componentMoved ComponentEvent e System.out.println..

Java, how to draw constantly changing graphics


false public void run try while update true update getGraphics try Thread.sleep 200 catch InterruptedException e e.printStackTrace..

Rotate JLabel or ImageIcon on Java Swing


image imagePlayer.getImage Graphics2D g Graphics2D image.getGraphics At execution time the answer is this... Exception in thread.. in thread main java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException getGraphics not valid for images created with createImage producer 2th edition..... new File stand.png Graphics2D g Graphics2D bi.getGraphics g.rotate Math.toRadians 45 26 26 g.drawImage bi 0 0 null JLabel..

Changing JPanel Graphics g color drawing line


extract a Graphics object out of the BufferedImage say getGraphics if all you need is a Graphics object and not a Graphics2D object... the Graphics object. Then each time you want to draw you getGraphics draw with it just like you do in the paintComponent method dispose.. int colorIndex 0 public STDrawPanel Graphics g bImage.getGraphics g.setColor BACKGROUND_COLOR g.fillRect 0 0 ST_WIDTH ST_HEIGHT..

How do i align this text correctly?


BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB Graphics2D g Graphics2D screen.getGraphics g.setRenderingHint RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON.. WritableRaster wr screen.getRaster Graphics appletGraphics getGraphics Some variables to use for the fps. long fpstn 1000000000 600..

Convert a Graphics2D to an Image or BufferedImage


by way of it's Graphics2D object which you can get via getGraphics . Then use ImageIO.write ... to output the image to whatever..

How to add sexy on/off sliders?


getFontMetrics getFont .getStringBounds trueLabel getGraphics .getWidth double falseLenght getFontMetrics getFont .getStringBounds.. getFontMetrics getFont .getStringBounds falseLabel getGraphics .getWidth max int Math.max trueLenth falseLenght gap Math.max..

Drawing a rectangle over an existing Graphics page


betting that you are getting your Graphics object via a getGraphics call on a component and are disatisfied since this obtains a..

Any alternative to calling getGraphics() which is returning null


alternative to calling getGraphics which is returning null Frequently when I call getGraphics.. which is returning null Frequently when I call getGraphics it returns null even if I set the xxx.getGraphics xxx to be.. I call getGraphics it returns null even if I set the xxx.getGraphics xxx to be visible as a Google search shows... But this doesn't..