

java Programming Glossary: getname

Get Edited TreeNode from a CellEditorListener


For debugging System.out.println node.getResource .getName I get this error Exception in thread AWT EventQueue 0 java.lang.ClassCastException.. For debugging System.out.println node.getResource .getName and this code in the CustomTreeCellEditor public TreePath getLastPath.. public Resource String name this.name name public String getName return name public void setName String name this.name name..

Java error: Implicit super constructor is undefined for default constructor


this.someString someString abstract public String getName public class ACSubClass extends BaseClass public ASubClass String.. ASubClass String someString super someString public String getName return name value for ASubClass I will have quite a few subclasses.. quite a few subclasses of BaseClass each implementing the getName method in its own way template method pattern . This works well..

how binding attribute in JSF works


happens when value attribute is specified. The getters getName run to fetch the String value. But I couldn't understand how..

How do I invoke a Java method when given the method name as a string?


If I have two variables Object obj String methodName getName Without knowing the class of obj how can I call the method identified..

Places where JavaBeans are used?


Getters. public Long getId return id public String getName return name public Date getBirthdate return birthdate Setters...

Sorting using Comparator- Descending order (User defined classes) [closed]


name int age this.name name this.age age public String getName return name public int getAge return age public String toString.. order for this class public int compareTo Person p return getName .compareTo p.getName static class AgeComparator implements.. public int compareTo Person p return getName .compareTo p.getName static class AgeComparator implements Comparator Person public..

ListView is blank while using getFilter function


class SetHelpRows String name String id public String getName return name public void setName String name this.name name public.. final SetRows pkmn list.get i final String value pkmn.getName .toLowerCase if value.startsWith prefix nlist.add pkmn ..

Things possible in IntelliJ that aren't possible in Eclipse?


smart autocomplete in Java code interface Person String getName String getAddress int getAge Person p String name p. CTRL SHIFT.. p String name p. CTRL SHIFT SPACE and it shows you ONLY getName getAddress and toString only they are compatible by type and.. and toString only they are compatible by type and getName is first in the list because it has more relevant name. Latest..

XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM


host props this authenticate @Override protected String getName return NAME @Override public void challengeReceived String.. host props cbh authenticate @Override protected String getName return NAME @Override public void challengeReceived String..

How do I handle multiple key presses in Java?


Giving JMenuItem's name to it's ActionListener


JMenuItem item new JMenuItem label item.setName parentMenu.getName _ label item.addActionListener actionListener parentmenu.add.. item afterwards and outside the scope of this method with getName gives the name I gave it as it should but the output of public..