java Programming Glossary: getpage
How do I manage cookies with HttpClient in Android and/or Java? ClientContext.COOKIE_STORE cookieStore public static void getPage String url throws Exception request new HttpGet url response..
Call getPage from htmlunit WebClient whith javascript disabled and setTimeout set to 10000 wait forever getPage from htmlunit WebClient whith javascript disabled and setTimeout.. milisecReqTimeout 10 _htmlpage _webclient.getPage url Thanks a lot java timeout htmlunit share improve this..
Synchronizing on an Integer value [duplicate] multiple retrieve store operations psuedocode public Page getPage Integer id Page p cache.get id if p null p getFromDataBase id.. Integer to synchronize on. Something like this public Page getPage Integer id Page p cache.get id if p null synchronized getCacheSyncObject..
Extremely simple code not working in HtmlUnit System.out.println This is printed on screen try webClient.getPage http index.php catch Exception e e.printStackTrace.. 433 at com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebClient.getPage 311 at com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.BaseFrame... 433 at com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebClient.getPage 311 THIS_SECTION_IS_PRINTED_AS_IF_IT_WERE_IN_A_LOOP..
Android project using httpclient --> http.client (apache), post/get method Header locationHeader method.getResponseHeader ... ret getPage ... ... I don't know if that is correct. This has caused problems..