

java Programming Glossary: getdata

Custom List Field click event


add _title add _star add _separator public ListRander getData return _data public void setData ListRander value if value _data.. CustomListRow row CustomListRow field Dialog.alert row.getData .getTitle was selected In my app it made sense for the CustomListRow..

JSON Jquery to Struts2 action


String getJSON return ActionSupport.SUCCESS public String getData return data public void setData String data this.data data ..

Problem with synchronizing on String objects?


martinprobst and MBCook but since I have about 7 similar getData methods in this class currently since it needs about 7 different..

Handling an invalid security certificate using MATLAB's urlread command


MyJavaClasses' dl com.stackoverflow.Downloader page dl.getData 'https msp.f secure.com web test common test.html' str char.. public class Downloader public static String getData String address throws Exception TrustManager trustAllCerts new.. void main String argv throws Exception System.out.println getData https msp.f secure.com web test common test.html I used this..

Getting error A message body writer for Java class java.util.ArrayList/List<java.lang.String> was not found


JFreechart candlestick chart weird behaviour on drag


renderer new CandlestickRenderer XYDataset dataset getDataSet stockSymbol XYPlot mainPlot new XYPlot dataset domainAxis.. this.add chartPanel this.pack protected AbstractXYDataset getDataSet String stockSymbol This is the dataset we are going to create.. we go get the data replace with your own data source data getData stockSymbol Create a dataset an Open High Low Close dataset..

Rotate an image in java


angle w 2.0 h 2.0 g2.drawImage new ImageIcon getData .getImage at theLabel g2.dispose theLabel.setIcon new ImageIcon..

Android - What's the best way to share data between activities?


public class DataHolder private String data public String getData return data public void setData String data this.data data private.. the launched activity String data DataHolder.getInstance .getData Use application singleton The application singleton is an instance.. extends Application private String data public String getData return data public void setData String data this.data data Before..

Embed .swf file to my Jframe


File extractFiles String filePath File retVal new File getData Path if retVal null return null setData Path files File.separator.. dataSource dataSource.file clone.setMovie new File this.getData Path else clone.setMovie this.getData Path clone.setPlayOnStart.. new File this.getData Path else clone.setMovie this.getData Path clone.setPlayOnStart isPlayOnStart clone.setIsLoop isLoop..

Handle attachment in response with RequestBuilder in GWT


... String url http www.myserver.com getData type 3 RequestBuilder builder new RequestBuilder RequestBuilder.POST..

List of useful environment settings in Java


String name String lineTypes Clip SourceDataLine TargetDataLine Speaker Microphone Master Volume Line In for String.. nodeInfo table.setModel new DefaultTableModel mediaData.getData mediaData.getColumnNames for int ii 0 ii tree.getRowCount.. String getColumnNames return columnNames public Object getData return data Other You might also investigate InetAddress KeyStore..

CXF JAXRS - How do I pass Date as QueryParam


I have a service defined as follows. public String getData @QueryParam date Date date I'm trying to pass a java.util.Date.. DateFormat CRAZY_FORMAT new SimpleDateFormat public String getData @QueryParam date String dateString final Date date try date.. Date date Constructor Getters Setters public String getData @QueryParam date DateParameter dateParam final Date date dateParam.getDate..