java Programming Glossary: getpanel
Java - How to drag and drop JPanel with its components supported true break return supported public JPanel getPanel return panel @Override public Object getTransferData DataFlavor.. Object data null if isDataFlavorSupported flavor data getPanel else throw new UnsupportedFlavorException flavor return data.. JPanel child this.child child public JPanel getPanel return child public void setParent Container parent this.parent..
Providing white space in a Swing GUI true cardPanel.setBackground Color.WHITE cardPanel.add getPanel Color.BLUE cardPanel.add getPanel Color.GREEN contentPane.add.. cardPanel.add getPanel Color.BLUE cardPanel.add getPanel Color.GREEN contentPane.add cardPanel frame.setContentPane contentPane.. true frame.setVisible true private JPanel getPanel Color bColor JPanel panel new JPanel new FlowLayout FlowLayout.CENTER..