

java Programming Glossary: getinputstream

Http Servlet request lose params from POST body after read it once


request super request @Override public ServletInputStream getInputStream throws IOException if cachedBytes null cacheInputStream return.. cachedBytes new ByteArrayOutputStream IOUtils.copy super.getInputStream cachedBytes An inputstream which reads the cached request body.. may read the cached inputstream doMyThing multiReadRequest.getInputStream chain.doFilter multiReadRequest response This solution will..

i get cannot find symbol error in compile time


br new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader pb.getInputStream while s br.readLine null System.out.println s catch Exception.. br new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader pb.getInputStream I get cannot find symbol error. java share improve this question.. this question Simple answer. ProcessBuilder don't have getInputStream method. See this ProcessBuilder You can use BufferedReader br..

Process.waitFor(), threads, and InputStreams


proc runtime.exec command processOutputStreamInThread proc.getInputStream processOutputStreamInThread proc.getErrorStream proc.waitFor.. not have all it's output dumped into the streams fed by getInputStream and getErrorStream thus allowing the stream to be empty. The.. exits. 2 Under what conditions do the streams provided by getInputStream and getErrorStream need to be closed and or are they closed..

Java RMI + SSL + Compression = IMPOSSIBLE!


are not implemented. The implemented methods are @link #getInputStream @link #getOutputStream @link #available and the shutdown methods.. These are the important methods protected InputStream getInputStream return inStream protected OutputStream getOutputStream return.. and then ... StreamPair streams this.wrap baseSocket.getInputStream baseSocket.getOutputStream false ... wrap its streams by..

Element to string in HTMLDocument


main String args throws Exception InputStream is Nullsoft.getInputStream InputStreamReader isr new InputStreamReader is BufferedReader.. text.toString System.exit 0 public static InputStream getInputStream String text html n head n title pg_0001 title n n style..

How to run Java code using Java code?


you execute their Java code. You can use the Process's getInputStream and getOutputStream functions to read from and write to the..

Howto let the SAX parser determine the encoding from the xml declaration?


handler new FeedHandler InputSource is new InputSource getInputStream parser.parse is handler Since SAX defaults to UTF 8 this is.. handler new FeedHandler Reader isr new InputStreamReader getInputStream InputSource is new InputSource is.setCharacterStream isr parser.parse..

Android FileNotFound Exception - Cannot getInputStream from image URL that does not have file format


FileNotFound Exception Cannot getInputStream from image URL that does not have file format The title is.. int length conn.getContentLength InputStream is conn.getInputStream return BitmapFactory.decodeStream is catch IOException e ..

Redirect Runtime.getRuntime().exec() output with System.setOut();


the forked process is availble to the parent using the getInputStream method of the Process instance. public static void main String.. in new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader p.getInputStream while line in.readLine null System.out.println line in.close..

Why do you have to call URLConnection#getInputStream to be able to write out to URLConnection#getOutputStream?


do you have to call URLConnection#getInputStream to be able to write out to URLConnection#getOutputStream I'm.. no data is actually sent until I call URLConnection#getInputStream . Even if I set URLConnnection#doInput to false it still will.. MUST CALL THIS OTHERWISE WILL NOT WRITE OUT urlCon.getInputStream If getInputStream is called while doInput false the..

uploading of pdf file


data 0 DataInputStream in new DataInputStream request. getInputStream we are taking the length of Content type data int formDataLength..

How should I call a Perl Script in Java?


ObjectInputStream(socket.getInputStream()); does not work


socket.getInputStream does not work I'm programming a class to communicate to a server.. socket.getOutputStream InputStream is socket.getInputStream in new ObjectInputStream is and this is the code for the whole.. socket.getOutputStream InputStream is socket.getInputStream in new ObjectInputStream is While looking at google i found..