java Programming Glossary: getfirstname
SWT - Tableviewer adding a remove button to a column in the table getText Object element Person p Person element return p.getFirstName column new TableColumn viewer.getTable SWT.NONE column.setText.. String firstName String lastName Person public String getFirstName return firstName public String getLastName return lastName..
JavaFx tableview sort is really slow how to improve sort speed as in java swing class doesn't have any property accessors i.e. there's a getFirstName method but no firstNameProperty method . Sorting by columns.. property accessor the cell value factory is going to call getFirstName and then wrap the result in a new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper on each.. new SimpleStringProperty email public String getFirstName return firstName.get public void setFirstName String fName..
Generate Java class from JSON? Person JSONObject json mInternalJSONObject json String getFirstName return mInternalJSONObject.getString firstName String getLastName..
Hibernate Validator, custom ResourceBundleLocator and Spring firstName private String lastName @NotNull public String getFirstName return firstName public void setFirstName String firstName this.firstName..
Hibernate Validation of Collections of Primitives private List String emailAddresses @NotNull public String getFirstName return firstName public void setFirstName String firstName this.firstName..
Java “?” Operator for checking null - What is it? (Not Ternary!) ans nm.getPostcode return ans With this public String getFirstName Person person return person .getName .getGivenName I've scoured..