

java Programming Glossary: getid

How to add JRadioButton to group in JTable


aStatus theCreationDate aCreationDate public Long getId return theId public Date getExpirationDate return theExpirationDate.. rowIndex switch columnIndex case 0 return entry.getId case 1 return entry.getExpirationDate case 2 return entry.getStatus..

How one interface can be used for different background android tasks?


extends AsyncTask String String String public abstract int getId public static final int ID_AIRPORT 1 public static final int.. this instead. This will require them to implement the getId method. public class GettingAirports extends AsyncTask String.. extends AsyncTask String String String public int getId return ID_AIRPORT And then instead of doing a conditional if..

Converting JSON to Java


groups public String getTitle return title public Long getId return id public Boolean getChildren return children public..

Spring 3.2.x (Web MVC) REST API and JSON2 Post requests, how to get it right once for all?


private String lastName private String email public int getId return externalId public void setId final int id this.id id.. this.getLastName this.getEmail this.getUsername this.getId CURL Post call curl i H Content Type application json X POST..

Places where JavaBeans are used?


String name private Date birthdate Getters. public Long getId return id public String getName return name public Date getBirthdate..

document not saving in spring jpa document manager application


is document.getFileName System.out.println document.getId is document.getId System.out.println document.getName is document.getName.. System.out.println document.getId is document.getId System.out.println document.getName is document.getName System.out.println.. is paper document.getFileName is apaper.pdf document.getId is null document.getName is apaper document.getPatient is Patient@564434f7..

hibernate composite key


composite id class EmployeeAssignment EmployeeAssignmentId getId void setId EmployeeAssignmentId value class EmployeeAssignmentId..

Hibernate JPA Sequence (non-Id)


MyTable public class MyEntity ... @Id ... etc public Long getId return id note NO @Id here but this doesn't work... @GeneratedValue..

How to use Map element as text of a JComboBox


item Item comboBox.getSelectedItem System.out.println item.getId item.getDescription class ItemRenderer extends BasicComboBoxRenderer.. if index 1 Item item Item value setText item.getId return this class Item private int id private String description.. this.id id this.description description public int getId return id public String getDescription return description..

Generic JSF entity converter


Object value return String.valueOf Classification value .getId java jsf jsf 2 share improve this question Well I had.. implement a PersistentEntity interface which has a getId and setId methods and I keep them with simple primary keys... result PersistentEntity value return String.valueOf result.getId return null Now creating converters for simple JPA entities..

Hibernate use of PostgreSQL sequence does not affect sequence table


@Column name id unique true nullable false public int getId return this.id What I see with this configuration is that hibernate.. @Column name id unique true nullable false public int getId return this.id Though I've also heard opinions that using HiLo..

Mapping ManyToMany with composite Primary key and Annotation:


uuid @Column name student_id nullable false public String getId return id public void setId String id this.id id all other setters.. @Column name teachingClass_id nullable false public String getId return id public void setId String id this.id id Collection..

Serialize a JAXB object via its ID?


what I need is something like this dependency id 100 id targetId 200 targetId dependency Is there a way to do this in JAXB annotations.. something like this dependency id 100 id targetId 200 targetId dependency Is there a way to do this in JAXB annotations without.. Long marshal Target target throws Exception return target.getId @Override public Target unmarshal Long id throws Exception Target..

Update data in ListFragment as part of ViewPager


position Attempt 2 fragId position frag.getId return frag @Override public int getItemPosition Object object.. trying to call an update function in my ListFragment but getId in getItem returned 0. As per the docs I tried by acquiring..

Hibernate/JPA - annotating bean methods vs fields


@Entity public class User @ID private int id public int getId return this.id public void setId int id this.id id OR @Entity.. OR @Entity public class User private int id @ID public int getId return this.id public void setId int id this.id id java hibernate..

Problems passing class objects through GWT RPC


this.symbol symbol this.createDate createDate public Long getId return this.id public String getSymbol return this.symbol public.. try pm.makePersistent stock finally pm.close return stock.getId All other methods stay the same except getStocks public StockClient.. Stock stock stocks stockclients.add new StockClient stock.getId stock.getSymbol stock.getCreateDate finally pm.close return..