

java Programming Glossary: getlength

JTextField limiting character amount input and accepting numeric only


attr throws BadLocationException if str null return if getLength str.length limit if toUppercase str str.toUpperCase super.insertString.. return else if str.equals . true super.getText 0 super.getLength .contains . true Next can we place a decimal here Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit.. if StringFormat.isNumeric str true super.getText 0 super.getLength .indexOf 1 offset super.getText 0 super.getLength .indexOf super.getLength..

How do you get the length of a list in the JSF expression language?


or length attributes they won't implement getSize or getLength which JSF and most other standards require you can't do what..

Multiple inheritance design issue in Java


of this public class Length private int length public int getLength return length public class BetterWord extends AbstractWord AND.. . public class WordLength private int length 0 public int getLength return length public void setLength int length this.length length..

Scaling an Image in GWT


image new Image myImageResource.getURL image.setPixelSize getLength getHeight To keep aspect ratio calculate it like Image image..

How are arrays implemented in java?


was being developed today it would probably be a method getLength . Length is a final field defined at object construction it..

Performance impact of autoboxing


Having said that java.lang.reflect.Array does have a int getLength Object array static method that can return the length of ANY..

How To limit the number of characters in JTextField?


attr throws BadLocationException if str null return if getLength str.length limit super.insertString offset str attr Then import..

How to limit JTextArea max Rows and Coloums?


if EOL.equals str StringUtils.occurs getText 0 getLength EOL maxLines 1 super.insertString offs str attribute Where..

How to restrict the JTextField to a x number of characters


str null return System.out.println from document helper getLength getLength System.out.println from document helper str.length.. return System.out.println from document helper getLength getLength System.out.println from document helper str.length str.length.. System.out.println from document helper offset offset if getLength str.length limit super.insertString offset str attr java..