

java Programming Glossary: geticonwidth

JTabbedPane: show task progress in a tab


Graphics2D g2 Graphics2D g.create int cWidth delegateIcon.getIconWidth 2 int cHeight delegateIcon.getIconHeight 2 Rectangle r new Rectangle.. 2 Rectangle r new Rectangle x y delegateIcon.getIconWidth delegateIcon.getIconHeight g2.setClip r AffineTransform original.. original rotatingTimer.start @Override public int getIconWidth return delegateIcon.getIconWidth @Override public int getIconHeight..

JTable Nimbus Look and Feel - how to make it clear which cell has focus


case UP drawUpArrow g x y break @Override public int getIconWidth return size @Override public int getIconHeight return size..

Blinking Tray Icon


ImageIcon return ImageIcon icon .getImage else int w icon.getIconWidth int h icon.getIconHeight GraphicsEnvironment ge GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment.. case UP drawUpArrow g x y break @Override public int getIconWidth return size @Override public int getIconHeight return size..

MouseEvents and Icon / ImageIcon


return image.getHeight @Override public int getIconWidth return image.getWidth @Override public void mouseClicked MouseEvent.. imageY mousePoint.y paintPoint.y if imageX 0 imageX this.getIconWidth imageY 0 imageY this.getIconHeight int argb image.getRGB..

How to represent double values as circles in a 2d matrix in java


2 g2d.fillOval x HALF r y HALF r d d @Override public int getIconWidth return SIZE @Override public int getIconHeight return SIZE ..

GUI not working after rewriting to MVC


color g2d.fillOval x y size size @Override public int getIconWidth return size @Override public int getIconHeight return size..

How to hide the knob of jSlider?


public int getIconHeight return 0 @Override public int getIconWidth return 0 @Override public void paintIcon Component c Graphics..

Change JTree node icons according to the depth level


g2d.fillOval x y SIZE 4 SIZE SIZE 2 @Override public int getIconWidth return SIZE @Override public int getIconHeight return SIZE ..

How can I convert an Icon to an Image


.getImage else BufferedImage image new BufferedImage icon.getIconWidth icon.getIconHeight BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB icon.paintIcon.. return wrappee.getIconHeight @Override public int getIconWidth return wrappee.getIconWidth @Override public void paintIcon.. @Override public int getIconWidth return wrappee.getIconWidth @Override public void paintIcon Component c Graphics g int x..