java Programming Glossary: getcontext
When exactly is it leak safe to use (anonymous) inner classes? means that every View has an reference to the Activity via getContext . Moreover every View keeps references to its children i.e...
Android color picker to be included in the activity color dismiss setContentView new ColorPickerView getContext l mInitialColor setTitle Pick a Color You have to choose the.. setUp int color LayoutInflater inflater LayoutInflater getContext .getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE View layout..
Why is my Spring @Autowired field null? applicationContext public static ApplicationContext getContext return context Then your legacy code can call getContext and.. getContext return context Then your legacy code can call getContext and retrieve the beans it needs @Controller public class MileageFeeController.. miles MileageFeeCalculator calc ApplicationContextHolder.getContext .getBean MileageFeeCalculator.class return calc.mileageCharge..
Test if file exists without actually trying to open it is as follows File file getContext .getFileStreamPath FILE_NAME if file.exists ... Hope that helps..
Launching Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent not working on saved image file Uri.parse posterFile.getAbsolutePath image Activity getContext .startActivity intent A few notes. I am creating the mutable..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog url getParameters .getString PARAM_URL File dest new File getContext .getFilesDir new File url .getName DownloadUtils.downloadFile.. new File url .getName DownloadUtils.downloadFile getContext url dest DownloadUtils.getDownloadListenerForTask this return..
How to set unit for Paint.setTextSize() 16.0f Convert the dips to pixels final float scale getContext .getResources .getDisplayMetrics .density mGestureThreshold..
Android: compass + distance in a listview to POI if convertView null myView new LinearLayout getContext String inflater Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE LayoutInflater.. LayoutInflater vi LayoutInflater getContext .getSystemService inflater vi.inflate resource myView true else..
How can I get a resource content from a static context? super.onCreate mContext this public static Context getContext return mContext Now you can use App.getContext whenever you.. Context getContext return mContext Now you can use App.getContext whenever you want to get a context and then getResources or..
SQLiteOpenHelper failing to call onCreate? create the database and tables dBHelper new SmartDBHelper getContext java android sqlite oncreate share improve this question.. create the database and tables dBHelper new SmartDBHelper getContext open to read and write dBHelper.getWritableDatabase or to read..
How do I use the Jersey JSON POJO support? Could not resolve JAXBContext. ex public JAXBContext getContext final Class type try if type.getPackage .getName .contains ENTITY_PACKAGE..
Spring security's SecurityContextHolder: session or request bound? principal UserPrincipal SecurityContextHolder.getContext .getAuthentication .getPrincipal This is the way I access the.. The SecurityContextHolder has two methods setContext and getContext . Both uses a SecurityContextHolderStrategy to specify what..
Android Actionbar Tabs and Keyboard Focus extends View public void toggleKeyboard InputMethodManager getContext .getSystemService Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE .toggleSoftInput.. extends View public void toggleKeyboard InputMethodManager getContext .getSystemService Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE .toggleSoftInput..
How do you authenticate against an Active Directory server using Spring Security? return context public DefaultSpringSecurityContextSource getContextFactory return contextFactory Set the context factory to use.. ldapAuth LdapAuthenticationToken SecurityContextHolder .getContext .getAuthentication InitialLdapContext ldapContext ldapAuth.getContext.. .getAuthentication InitialLdapContext ldapContext ldapAuth.getContext pre @author Jason public class LdapAuthenticationToken extends..
Check if a file exists before calling openFileInput file file exists share improve this question File file getContext .getFileStreamPath FILE_NAME if file.exists ... Hope this helps..