java Programming Glossary: getdescription
KSoap2 and KvmSerializable - How to Send complex Objects like Stringarrays name Name name @return the description public String getDescription return Description @param description the description to set..
Location of String keys in L&F .toLowerCase .endsWith .obj @Override public String getDescription return Wavefront OBJ .obj @Override public String toString.. OBJ .obj @Override public String toString return getDescription int result JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog null Description..
Browse for image file and display it using Java Swing if f.isDirectory return true return false public String getDescription return JPEG files java eclipse image swing jfilechooser ..
Spring MVC + JSON = 406 Not Acceptable setY int y this.y y @Column name description public String getDescription return description public void setDescription String description..
Hibernate on Oracle: mapping String property to CLOB column id @Lob @Column name PIGGY_DESCRIPTION public String getDescription return description public void setDescription String d description.. PIGGY_DESCRIPTION length Integer.MAX_VALUE public String getDescription return description EDIT 3 Here's the DDL for PIGGIES CREATE.. @Lob @Column name PIGGY_DESCRIPTION public String getDescription return description Blame the fat fingers. share improve this..
Dynamic ListView in Android app item.setText rowData.mItem description holder.getDescription description.setText rowData.mDescription return convertView.. null public ViewHolder View row mRow row public TextView getDescription if null description description TextView mRow.findViewById
document not saving in spring jpa document manager application is document.getCreated System.out.println document.getDescription is document.getDescription System.out.println document.getFileName.. System.out.println document.getDescription is document.getDescription System.out.println document.getFileName is document.getFileName.. application pdf document.getCreated is 2013 12 16 document.getDescription is paper document.getFileName is apaper.pdf document.getId is..
How to save file using JFileChooser? ext String extension m_fileChooser_save.getFileFilter .getDescription if extension.equals .jpg .JPG ext .jpg if extension.equals..
How to use Map element as text of a JComboBox System.out.println item.getId item.getDescription class ItemRenderer extends BasicComboBoxRenderer public Component.. if value null Item item Item value setText item.getDescription .toUpperCase if index 1 Item item Item value setText item.getId.. description public int getId return id public String getDescription return description public String toString return description..
jsp useBean is NULL by getAttribute by servlet input type text id description name description value user.getDescription maxlength 128 size 40 td tr tr td input type submit value.. void setCode String code this.code code public String getDescription return description public void setDescription String description.. in the end However it'll contain nothing. The getCode and getDescription will return null . The jsp setProperty has namely not filled..
adjust selected File to FileFilter in a JFileChooser return true return false @Override public String getDescription return desc @return includes '.' public String getFirstExtension..
Convert static windows library to dll f.getName .matches . .h pp @Override public String getDescription return Header files fileChooser.setCurrentDirectory new..
Jackson error: no suitable constructor toString return this.getID offer.toString public String getDescription return offer.description public String getBusinessName return..