java Programming Glossary: getcontenttype
Looking for a capturing impl of HttpServletResponseWrapper name return mreq.getFilesystemName name public String getContentType String name return mreq.getContentType name public File getFile.. name public String getContentType String name return mreq.getContentType name public File getFile String name return mreq.getFile name..
Prevent suffix from being added to resources when page loads ResourceWrapper will be fixed in JSF 2.2 . public String getContentType return resource.getContentType @Override public Resource getWrapped.. in JSF 2.2 . public String getContentType return resource.getContentType @Override public Resource getWrapped return resource @Override.. return externalContext.setResponseContentType resource.getContentType for Entry String String header resource.getResponseHeaders .entrySet..
Wicket Dynamic Image URL return new AbstractResourceStreamWriter public String getContentType return image png public void write OutputStream output try..
Android ShoutCast Internet Radio FilenotFoundException 1000 20 urlConn.setConnectTimeout 1000 5 The getContentType method is used by the getContent method to determine the type.. object subclasses may find it convenient to override the getContentType method. String ctype urlConn.getContentType if ctype null .. override the getContentType method. String ctype urlConn.getContentType if ctype null ctype else ctype ctype.toLowerCase if ctype.contains..
document not saving in spring jpa document manager application document.setContent blob document.setContentType file.getContentType document.setFileName file.getOriginalFilename System.out.println.. file.getOriginalFilename System.out.println document.getContentType is document.getContentType System.out.println document.getCreated.. System.out.println document.getContentType is document.getContentType System.out.println document.getCreated is document.getCreated..
File Upload with Java (with progress bar) return this.delegate.getContentLength public String getContentType return this.delegate.getContentType public boolean isRepeatable.. public String getContentType return this.delegate.getContentType public boolean isRepeatable return this.delegate.isRepeatable..
How to develop screen capture to video application of video frames without a container format. public String getContentType return ContentDescriptor.RAW public void connect public void..
How to use Wicket's DownloadLink with a file generated on the fly? report catch IOException e ... @Override public String getContentType return CONTENT_TYPE_PDF getRequestCycle .setRequestTarget..
Why doesn't servlet find FileItem in multipart request? if item.isFormField else String contentType item.getContentType String fileName item.getName String fieldName item.getFieldName.. .toLowerCase return false String contentType request.getContentType if contentType null return false if contentType.toLowerCase..