java Programming Glossary: getmodel
Drawing JTable rows and columns on a Panel rect.width panel.setHeight rect.height panel.setStr table.getModel .getValueAt 0 0 .toString panel.setModel table add panel final.. rect.width panel.setHeight rect.height panel.setStr table.getModel .getValueAt 0 0 .toString panel.setModel table panel.repaint.. javax.swing.table.TableModel model table.getModel System.out.println Value of data for int i 0 i numRows i System.out.print..
How to add checkbox to JTree node to manage multiselection? the model to the adapted model model new TristateDecorator getModel setModel model setState initial Constractor types public TristateCheckBox.. new TreePath parent public TreeModel getModel return model public class CheckTreeCellRenderer extends JPanel.. null selectionModel new CheckTreeSelectionModel tree.getModel selectionModel checkTreeSelectionModel else selectionModel..
How to make line animation smoother? return new Dimension 400 400 public AnimationModel getModel return model @Override protected void paintComponent Graphics.. g2d Graphics2D g.create for Animatable animatable getModel .getAnimatables animatable.paint g2d g2d.dispose @Override.. Runnable @Override public void run AnimationModel model getModel for Animatable animatable model.getAnimatables animatable.copy..
Jtable with different types of cells depending on data type column if modelColumn 1 Class rowClass getModel .getValueAt row modelColumn .getClass return getDefaultRenderer.. column if modelColumn 1 editingClass getModel .getValueAt row modelColumn .getClass return getDefaultEditor..
refreshing background color for a row in jtable new Integer row if color null Boolean.FALSE.equals getModel .getValueAt row 0 color Color columnColor.get new Integer column.. modelRow convertRowIndexToModel row boolean type Boolean getModel .getValueAt modelRow 2 boolean type1 Boolean getModel .getValueAt.. getModel .getValueAt modelRow 2 boolean type1 Boolean getModel .getValueAt modelRow 3 comp.setForeground if type..
Minesweeper Action Events col add mineCell mineCells.add mineCell model.add mineCell.getModel row col reset public void reset model.reset for MineCell mineCell.. LABEL else label.setBackground null public MineCellModel getModel return model public void addPropertyChangeListener PropertyChangeListener..
JTable row hightlighter based on value from TableCell modelRow convertRowIndexToModel row String type String getModel .getValueAt modelRow 0 if Buy .equals type Buy Sell .equals..
Set Size of JComboBox PopupMenu this.setPreferredSize new Dimension 160 17 if index list.getModel .getSize 1 this.setBorder new EmptyBorder 0 3 1 3 else this.setBorder.. searchRenderer leeres Element oben einfügen int size this.getModel .getSize Object tmp new Object this.getModel .getSize for int.. int size this.getModel .getSize Object tmp new Object this.getModel .getSize for int i 0 i size i tmp i this.getModel .getElementAt..
make a button round and label. protected void paintComponent Graphics g if getModel .isArmed You might want to make the highlight color a property..