android Programming Glossary: setitemscanfocus
ListView OnItemClickListener Not Responding? your views returned from your adapter. You'll need to use setItemsCanFocus setting up your list ListView list ListView findViewById list.setAdapter new DoubleClickAdapter this list.setItemsCanFocus true and then in your Adapter 's getView this will yield a clickable..
Focusable EditText inside ListView ListView apparently has two modes in this regard 1. setItemsCanFocus true selector is never displayed but the EditText can get focus.. of which can give the user an unexpected experience. 2. setItemsCanFocus false selector is always drawn in non touch mode and EditText.. and came across this from public void setItemsCanFocus boolean itemsCanFocus mItemsCanFocus itemsCanFocus if itemsCanFocus..
Using Android, how can I select rows from a ListView which contains Button controls to be able to control their own focus properties. You want setItemsCanFocus . This will disable the special focus selection handling that..
ListView OnItemClickListener Not Responding? of an OnItemClickListener add an OnClickListener to each of your views returned from your adapter. You'll need to use setItemsCanFocus setting up your list ListView list ListView findViewById list.setAdapter new DoubleClickAdapter this list.setItemsCanFocus.. setting up your list ListView list ListView findViewById list.setAdapter new DoubleClickAdapter this list.setItemsCanFocus true and then in your Adapter 's getView this will yield a clickable row. The button is assumed to be in the inflated xml...
Focusable EditText inside ListView that relies on a touchscreen which should not be a requirement. ListView apparently has two modes in this regard 1. setItemsCanFocus true selector is never displayed but the EditText can get focus when using the arrows. Focus search algorithm is hard to.. focusable children or not on which item is selected both of which can give the user an unexpected experience. 2. setItemsCanFocus false selector is always drawn in non touch mode and EditText can never get focus even if you tap on it. To make matters.. code for ListView to see why the two behaviors are so different and came across this from public void setItemsCanFocus boolean itemsCanFocus mItemsCanFocus itemsCanFocus if itemsCanFocus setDescendantFocusability ViewGroup.FOCUS_BLOCK_DESCENDANTS..
Using Android, how can I select rows from a ListView which contains Button controls arrow keys or what have you. You want your list items to be able to control their own focus properties. You want setItemsCanFocus . This will disable the special focus selection handling that ListView normally uses to treat list items as a single unit...