android Programming Glossary: setcurrentitem
How to make a ViewPager loop? viewPager.getAdapter .getCount 2 if curr 0 viewPager.setCurrentItem lastReal false else if curr lastReal viewPager.setCurrentItem.. lastReal false else if curr lastReal viewPager.setCurrentItem 1 false Note that this calls the alternate form of setCurrentItem.. 1 false Note that this calls the alternate form of setCurrentItem and passes false to cause the jump to happen instantly rather..
Fix the Animation of a Circular ViewPager the ViewPager when the onPageSelected is called with 0 we setCurrentItem 7 and when it's called with 8 we setCurrentItem 1 . This works... with 0 we setCurrentItem 7 and when it's called with 8 we setCurrentItem 1 . This works. The Problem When you swipe to the left from.. The Problem When you swipe to the left from 1 to 0 and we setCurrentItem 7 it will animate all the way to right by 6 full screens. This..
How to auto slide android View Pager share improve this question Setting smoothScroll true in setCurrentItem int item boolean smoothScroll does not always have the smooth.. happening for int i 0 i mAdapter.getCount 1 i mPager.setCurrentItem i true If some one needs more slower scroll they can use postDelayed.. public void run if i mAdapter.getCount 1 mPager.setCurrentItem i true handle.postDelayed TopChartAnimation 100 i Sleep..
ViewPager setCurrentItem(pageId, true) does NOT smoothscroll setCurrentItem pageId true does NOT smoothscroll I am compiling on SDK 4.03.. in my app actual swipe works fine but when I do viewPager.setCurrentItem id or viewPager.setCurrentItem id true It does not smooth scroll.. but when I do viewPager.setCurrentItem id or viewPager.setCurrentItem id true It does not smooth scroll but switches views instantly...
Android Fragment Pager and Custom Page Indicator( ViewPagerIndicator created by Jake Wharton) 4 condition 2 if mCount 0 return if mCurrentPage mCount setCurrentItem mCount 1 return int longSize int longPaddingBefore int longPaddingAfter.. if action MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL mViewPager.setCurrentItem mCurrentPage 1 return true else if mCurrentPage count 1 ev.getX.. if action MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL mViewPager.setCurrentItem mCurrentPage 1 return true mIsDragging false mActivePointerId..
Set default page for ViewPager in Android
Changing ViewPager to enable infinite page scrolling ViewPager class of the android support library. The method setCurrentItem int changes the page with animation. This method calls an internal.. boolean smoothScroll solved it for me. Calling this method setCurrentItem int index boolean smoothScroll allowed me to make it scroll.. to the center allowing to scroll indefinitely mDayPager.setCurrentItem 1 false However without Jon Willis Code I wouldn't have solved..
Implementing Circular Scrolling In PagerAdapter new Runnable @Override public void run awesomePager.setCurrentItem 0 true 200 I have also used this to detect whether the user.. new Runnable @Override public void run awesomePager.setCurrentItem uris.size 1 true 200 Also the PagerAdapter i.e AwesomweAdapter.. 4 getCount 1 change it to 1 . Make sure to use the method setCurrentItem item smoothScroll Here is complete code for CircularPagerAdaptor..
Action items from Viewpager initial fragment not being displayed mViewPager.setAdapter mViewPagerAdapter mViewPager.setCurrentItem 0 private class ViewPagerAdapter extends FragmentStatePagerAdapter.. this can happen that aren't obvious calling viewPager.setCurrentItem multiple times for the same item calling viewPager.setCurrentItem.. multiple times for the same item calling viewPager.setCurrentItem in onCreate of the activity. setCurrentItem causes an option..
How to make a ViewPager loop? int curr viewPager.getCurrentItem int lastReal viewPager.getAdapter .getCount 2 if curr 0 viewPager.setCurrentItem lastReal false else if curr lastReal viewPager.setCurrentItem 1 false Note that this calls the alternate form of setCurrentItem.. viewPager.getAdapter .getCount 2 if curr 0 viewPager.setCurrentItem lastReal false else if curr lastReal viewPager.setCurrentItem 1 false Note that this calls the alternate form of setCurrentItem and passes false to cause the jump to happen instantly.. lastReal false else if curr lastReal viewPager.setCurrentItem 1 false Note that this calls the alternate form of setCurrentItem and passes false to cause the jump to happen instantly rather than as a smooth scroll. There are two main drawbacks I see..
Fix the Animation of a Circular ViewPager we return element 1. Likewise in the OnPageChangeListener in the ViewPager when the onPageSelected is called with 0 we setCurrentItem 7 and when it's called with 8 we setCurrentItem 1 . This works. The Problem When you swipe to the left from 1 to 0 and we.. in the ViewPager when the onPageSelected is called with 0 we setCurrentItem 7 and when it's called with 8 we setCurrentItem 1 . This works. The Problem When you swipe to the left from 1 to 0 and we setCurrentItem 7 it will animate all the way to.. when it's called with 8 we setCurrentItem 1 . This works. The Problem When you swipe to the left from 1 to 0 and we setCurrentItem 7 it will animate all the way to right by 6 full screens. This doesn't give the appearance of a circular ViewPager it gives..
How to auto slide android View Pager autoslide in a viewpager. android android viewpager share improve this question Setting smoothScroll true in setCurrentItem int item boolean smoothScroll does not always have the smooth scroll effect. Suppose if you have less than 5 pages in you.. loop This will scroll page by page so that you can view scroll happening for int i 0 i mAdapter.getCount 1 i mPager.setCurrentItem i true If some one needs more slower scroll they can use postDelayed like this... static int i 0 private final Handler handler.. Runnable ViewPagerVisibleScroll new Runnable @Override public void run if i mAdapter.getCount 1 mPager.setCurrentItem i true handle.postDelayed TopChartAnimation 100 i Sleep is always NOT recommended If some one needs more slower scroll..
ViewPager setCurrentItem(pageId, true) does NOT smoothscroll setCurrentItem pageId true does NOT smoothscroll I am compiling on SDK 4.03 Samsung Infuse Android 2.2 Support Library for Android 4 and.. 2.2 Support Library for Android 4 and using ViewPager in my app actual swipe works fine but when I do viewPager.setCurrentItem id or viewPager.setCurrentItem id true It does not smooth scroll but switches views instantly. Although the documentation.. Android 4 and using ViewPager in my app actual swipe works fine but when I do viewPager.setCurrentItem id or viewPager.setCurrentItem id true It does not smooth scroll but switches views instantly. Although the documentation clearly states that that is the..
Android Fragment Pager and Custom Page Indicator( ViewPagerIndicator created by Jake Wharton) .getCount int condition 5 if mCurrentPage 4 condition 2 if mCount 0 return if mCurrentPage mCount setCurrentItem mCount 1 return int longSize int longPaddingBefore int longPaddingAfter int shortPaddingBefore if mOrientation HORIZONTAL.. sixthWidth width 6f if mCurrentPage 0 ev.getX halfWidth sixthWidth if action MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL mViewPager.setCurrentItem mCurrentPage 1 return true else if mCurrentPage count 1 ev.getX halfWidth sixthWidth if action MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL.. true else if mCurrentPage count 1 ev.getX halfWidth sixthWidth if action MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL mViewPager.setCurrentItem mCurrentPage 1 return true mIsDragging false mActivePointerId INVALID_POINTER if mViewPager.isFakeDragging mViewPager.endFakeDrag..
Set default page for ViewPager in Android
Changing ViewPager to enable infinite page scrolling it a little bit differently. I changed the code of the ViewPager class of the android support library. The method setCurrentItem int changes the page with animation. This method calls an internal method that requires the index and a flag enabling smooth.. . Extending this method with a second parameter boolean smoothScroll solved it for me. Calling this method setCurrentItem int index boolean smoothScroll allowed me to make it scroll indefinitely. Here is a full example Please consider that only.. insert it to the right page insertStuff pages 2 go back to the center allowing to scroll indefinitely mDayPager.setCurrentItem 1 false However without Jon Willis Code I wouldn't have solved it myself. EDIT here is a blogpost about this http
Implementing Circular Scrolling In PagerAdapter Scroll State Changed TAG Log.VERBOSE postDelayed new Runnable @Override public void run awesomePager.setCurrentItem 0 true 200 I have also used this to detect whether the user is on first try to move on last page but it is not working.. Scroll State Changed TAG Log.VERBOSE postDelayed new Runnable @Override public void run awesomePager.setCurrentItem uris.size 1 true 200 Also the PagerAdapter i.e AwesomweAdapter in my case is also as folllows private class AwesomePagerAdapter.. position if 0 change it to 3 getCount 2 and if position is 4 getCount 1 change it to 1 . Make sure to use the method setCurrentItem item smoothScroll Here is complete code for CircularPagerAdaptor Class package zolender.adapters import android.content.Context..
Action items from Viewpager initial fragment not being displayed mViewPager ViewPager findViewById mViewPager.setAdapter mViewPagerAdapter mViewPager.setCurrentItem 0 private class ViewPagerAdapter extends FragmentStatePagerAdapter public ViewPagerAdapter FragmentManager fm super fm.. action bar in a bad state until it runs. There are a few spots this can happen that aren't obvious calling viewPager.setCurrentItem multiple times for the same item calling viewPager.setCurrentItem in onCreate of the activity. setCurrentItem causes an.. can happen that aren't obvious calling viewPager.setCurrentItem multiple times for the same item calling viewPager.setCurrentItem in onCreate of the activity. setCurrentItem causes an option menu invalidate which is immediately followed by the activity's..