android Programming Glossary: setbackgrounddrawable
AlertDialog: How To Remove Black Borders Above and Below View suggestion I found somewhere but that didn't help. Result setBackgroundDrawable Suggestion public class Welcome extends Activity public void.. layout AlertDialog dialog builder.create dialog.getWindow .setBackgroundDrawable new ColorDrawable 0 Didn't work for me. android..
setBackground vs setBackgroundDrawable (Android) vs setBackgroundDrawable Android I want to set background drawable of a view. There.. are two methods for this as far as I see setBackground and setBackgroundDrawable. When I use setBackground it says it has been added in API level.. to work on anything below 16 am I right But when I use setBackgroundDrawable it says it's deprecated. What am I supposed to use android..
Android set margin programmatically in dp on Button by calling either setBackgroundResource int id or setBackgroundDrawable Drawable d I want the margins to be 0. If i call this public..
PopupWindow not triggering sytem context dialog on EditText long-press the TouchTrigger or something and it not working without setBackgroundDrawable which I've tried with a simple new ColorDrawable . It still.. this null view.getWidth view.getHeight true window.setBackgroundDrawable new ColorDrawable dialog.setRulesDialogListener new rulesDialogListener..
Lazy download images into gridView public void setChecked boolean checked mChecked checked setBackgroundDrawable checked getResources .getDrawable null public..
Android Fragment Pager and Custom Page Indicator( ViewPagerIndicator created by Jake Wharton) if background null setBackgroundDrawable background a.recycle final ViewConfiguration configuration ViewConfiguration.get..
Android: combining text & image on a Button or ImageButton text button share improve this question You can call setBackgroundDrawable on a Button to set the background of the button. Any text will..
Fixed: “Android: Detecting focus/pressed color” component. E.g. in your custom component constructor setBackgroundDrawable new Button context .getBackground or for a background more suitable.. or for a background more suitable for list like components setBackgroundDrawable new ListView context .getSelector You may want to optimise that..
Android: How to stretch an image to the screen width while maintaining aspect ratio? logo context.getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.banner setBackgroundDrawable logo public Banner Context context AttributeSet attrs super.. logo context.getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.banner setBackgroundDrawable logo public Banner Context context AttributeSet attrs int defStyle.. logo context.getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.banner setBackgroundDrawable logo @Override protected void onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec..
Android popup window dismissal with this. In the basic case you can to call PopupWindow#setBackgroundDrawable new BitmapDrawable to force it to act the way you expect. You.. it creates an instance of PopupViewContainer and calls setBackgroundDrawable on that and puts your content view in it. PopupViewContainer..
When Can I First Measure a View? int topInset height 2 ld.setLayerInset 1 0 topInset 0 0 tv.setBackgroundDrawable ld android layout height android lifecycle share improve.. int topInset height 2 ld.setLayerInset 1 0 topInset 0 0 tv.setBackgroundDrawable ld return true In my test project onPreDraw has been called.. it may cause an infinte loop. You could try to call the setBackgroundDrawable only when the height of the TextView changes private int mLastTvHeight..
Scale a view and its layered subviews relatively dr context.getResources .getDrawable setBackgroundDrawable dr imgWidth dr.getIntrinsicWidth imgHeight dr.getIntrinsicHeight..
Android: Start Activity from preferences.xml
AlertDialog: How To Remove Black Borders Above and Below View as the root ViewGroup instead of LinearLayout as per a suggestion I found somewhere but that didn't help. Result setBackgroundDrawable Suggestion public class Welcome extends Activity public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState.. builder new AlertDialog.Builder this builder.setView layout AlertDialog dialog builder.create dialog.getWindow .setBackgroundDrawable new ColorDrawable 0 Didn't work for me. android android layout android dialog share improve this question..
setBackground vs setBackgroundDrawable (Android) vs setBackgroundDrawable Android I want to set background drawable of a view. There are two methods for this as far as I see setBackground and setBackgroundDrawable... Android I want to set background drawable of a view. There are two methods for this as far as I see setBackground and setBackgroundDrawable. When I use setBackground it says it has been added in API level 16 but my project's min SDK version is 7. I assume it's.. but my project's min SDK version is 7. I assume it's not going to work on anything below 16 am I right But when I use setBackgroundDrawable it says it's deprecated. What am I supposed to use android view background drawable share improve this question It's..
Android set margin programmatically in dp on Button the background is set to something else then the default background by calling either setBackgroundResource int id or setBackgroundDrawable Drawable d I want the margins to be 0. If i call this public void setBackgroundToDefault backgroundIsDefault true super.setBackgroundResource..
PopupWindow not triggering sytem context dialog on EditText long-press and cut copy paste. I saw a similar question trying to get the TouchTrigger or something and it not working without setBackgroundDrawable which I've tried with a simple new ColorDrawable . It still doesn't work. Is there any easy way to trigger the system default.. View view getView window new PopupWindow dialog.initViews this null view.getWidth view.getHeight true window.setBackgroundDrawable new ColorDrawable dialog.setRulesDialogListener new rulesDialogListener @Override public void onSave ViewHolder holder..
Lazy download images into gridView mChecked public CheckableLayout Context context super context public void setChecked boolean checked mChecked checked setBackgroundDrawable checked getResources .getDrawable null public boolean isChecked return mChecked public void toggle setChecked..
Android Fragment Pager and Custom Page Indicator( ViewPagerIndicator created by Jake Wharton) defaultRadius Drawable background a.getDrawable R.styleable.CirclePageIndicator_android_background if background null setBackgroundDrawable background a.recycle final ViewConfiguration configuration ViewConfiguration.get context mTouchSlop ViewConfigurationCompat.getScaledPagingTouchSlop..
Android: combining text & image on a Button or ImageButton a solution or at least some pointers to start android image text button share improve this question You can call setBackgroundDrawable on a Button to set the background of the button. Any text will appear above the background. If you are looking for something..
Fixed: “Android: Detecting focus/pressed color” selector and set that as the background for your custom component. E.g. in your custom component constructor setBackgroundDrawable new Button context .getBackground or for a background more suitable for list like components setBackgroundDrawable new ListView.. setBackgroundDrawable new Button context .getBackground or for a background more suitable for list like components setBackgroundDrawable new ListView context .getSelector You may want to optimise that code somewhat but you get the idea. share improve this..
Android: How to stretch an image to the screen width while maintaining aspect ratio? Drawable logo public Banner Context context super context logo context.getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.banner setBackgroundDrawable logo public Banner Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs logo context.getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.banner.. Banner Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs logo context.getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.banner setBackgroundDrawable logo public Banner Context context AttributeSet attrs int defStyle super context attrs defStyle logo context.getResources.. AttributeSet attrs int defStyle super context attrs defStyle logo context.getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.banner setBackgroundDrawable logo @Override protected void onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec int heightMeasureSpec int width MeasureSpec.getSize widthMeasureSpec..
Android popup window dismissal a background that null. Check out some code I wrote to help with this. In the basic case you can to call PopupWindow#setBackgroundDrawable new BitmapDrawable to force it to act the way you expect. You won't need your own onKey listener. You might also need to.. in PopupWindow#preparePopup . If it detects background null it creates an instance of PopupViewContainer and calls setBackgroundDrawable on that and puts your content view in it. PopupViewContainer is basically a FrameLayout that listens for touch events and..
When Can I First Measure a View? height tv.getHeight when to call this so as not to get 0 int topInset height 2 ld.setLayerInset 1 0 topInset 0 0 tv.setBackgroundDrawable ld android layout height android lifecycle share improve this question I didn't knew about ViewTreeObserver.addOnPreDrawListener.. performance remove on production int height tv.getHeight int topInset height 2 ld.setLayerInset 1 0 topInset 0 0 tv.setBackgroundDrawable ld return true In my test project onPreDraw has been called twice and I think in your case it may cause an infinte loop... onPreDraw has been called twice and I think in your case it may cause an infinte loop. You could try to call the setBackgroundDrawable only when the height of the TextView changes private int mLastTvHeight 0 public void onCreate setContentView R.layout.main..
Scale a view and its layered subviews relatively int scale yPos setLayoutParams animParams Drawable dr context.getResources .getDrawable setBackgroundDrawable dr imgWidth dr.getIntrinsicWidth imgHeight dr.getIntrinsicHeight @Override protected void onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec..
Android: Start Activity from preferences.xml