android Programming Glossary: setname
How to get selected list items from a Listview with checkBox and Custom Adapter? checked public String getName return name public void setName String name name public boolean isChecked return..
KSoap2 and KvmSerializable - How to Send complex Objects like Stringarrays C1.setCategoryId 1 C1.setDescription server desc C1.setName server Name System.out.println obj.getCategoryId return C1 This.. return Name @param name the name to set public void setName String name Name name @return the description public String.. method PropertyInfo objekt new PropertyInfo objekt.setName obj objekt.setValue C objekt.setType C.getClass Request.addProperty..
Android gridview keep item selected state public String getName return name public void setName String name name public int getState return state..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] return segments @param name the name to set public void setName final String name name @return the name public.. name of this route using the start end addresses route.setName leg.getString start_address to leg.getString end_address Get..
Android TCP does not flush until socket is closed if I Log.i LOGTAG Attempt Connection with IP serverIP ... setName AttemptConnectionThread connectionStatus TCP_SOCKET_STATUS_CONNECTING..
BluetoothSocket.connect() throwing exception “read failed” run once a BluetoothSocket is obtained public void run setName ConnectThread mSocketType Always cancel discovery because it..
How to use search functionality in custom list view in Android price public String getName return name public void setName String name name public Integer getPrice return price..
How to move Bluetooth activity into a Service e.printStackTrace mmSocket tmp @Override public void run setName ConnectThread mBluetoothAdapter.cancelDiscovery try mmSocket.connect..
How to use adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); where i have to use these line for my error public String getName return name public void setName String name name public String getItemDescription.. Recipedetails item_details new Recipedetails item_details.setName Vegterian item_details.setItemDescription Recipes made by raw.. item_details item_details new Recipedetails item_details.setName Non Vegterian item_details.setItemDescription Flesh of sweet..
How to pass values between Fragments Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show if f2 null f2.isInLayout f2.setName name else mCallback.onButtonClicked name return view.. generated method stub super.onAttach activity public void setName String name txtName.setText Hi name I get the following exception..
android bluetooth can't connect MY_UUID catch IOException e mmSocket tmp public void run setName ConnectThread Cancel discovery because it will slow down the..
ListView is blank while using getFilter function String id public String getName return name public void setName String name name public String getID return id public..
How to unpair bluetooth device using android 2.1 sdk persistSetting String getAddress String getName boolean setName in String name int getScanMode boolean setScanMode int mode..
Using GSON in Android to parse a complex JSON object return name public String getDate return date public void setName String name name public void setDate String date..
Android - Adding Subitem to a listview public String getName return taxiName public void setName String name taxiName name public String getAddress return..
Android: How to get values in under specific xml tags else if localName.equals name mParsedExampleDataSet.setName mStringBuilder.toString .trim else if localName.equals title.. null name public String getName return name public void setName String name name title public String getTitle return..
How to get contacts from native phonebook in android if nameFieldColumnIndex 1 aContact.setName contacts.getString nameFieldColumnIndex PROJECTION new String.. myNumber public String getName return myName public void setName String name myName name public String getPhoneNum return myNumber..
How to find Location near by my Current location? longitude public String getName return name public void setName String name name public String getVicinity return.. lng result.setIcon pontoReferencia.getString icon result.setName pontoReferencia.getString name result.setVicinity pontoReferencia.getString..
Android AutoCompleteTextView with Custom Adapter filtering not working public void setId int id id public void setName String name name public int getId return public..
checkbox in listview for multiple selection of contacts checked public String getName return name public void setName String name name public boolean isChecked return checked..
How to get selected list items from a Listview with checkBox and Custom Adapter? String name boolean checked name this.checked checked public String getName return name public void setName String name name public boolean isChecked return checked public void setChecked boolean checked this.checked..
KSoap2 and KvmSerializable - How to Send complex Objects like Stringarrays Category getCategoryObject Category obj Category C1 new Category C1.setCategoryId 1 C1.setDescription server desc C1.setName server Name System.out.println obj.getCategoryId return C1 This is my Category Class on the WebServer package CategoryId categoryId @return the name public String getName return Name @param name the name to set public void setName String name Name name @return the description public String getDescription return Description @param description the description.. Set the category to be the argument of the web service method PropertyInfo objekt new PropertyInfo objekt.setName obj objekt.setValue C objekt.setType C.getClass Request.addProperty objekt Set the web service envelope SoapSerializationEnvelope..
Android gridview keep item selected GridObject String name int state super name this.state state public String getName return name public void setName String name name public int getState return state public void setState int state this.state state Main.xml xml..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] Segment s segments.add s public List Segment getSegments return segments @param name the name to set public void setName final String name name @return the name public String getName return name @param copyright the copyright.. for use in for loop final int numSteps steps.length Set the name of this route using the start end addresses route.setName leg.getString start_address to leg.getString end_address Get google's copyright notice tos requirement route.setCopyright..
Android TCP does not flush until socket is closed The thread that makes the socket public void run if I Log.i LOGTAG Attempt Connection with IP serverIP ... setName AttemptConnectionThread connectionStatus TCP_SOCKET_STATUS_CONNECTING try SocketAddress sockaddr new InetSocketAddress serverIP..
BluetoothSocket.connect() throwing exception “read failed” Integer.valueOf 1 Here's the method of interest which gets run once a BluetoothSocket is obtained public void run setName ConnectThread mSocketType Always cancel discovery because it will slow down a connection mAdapter.cancelDiscovery Make a..
How to use search functionality in custom list view in Android Product String name Integer price super name this.price price public String getName return name public void setName String name name public Integer getPrice return price public void setPrice Integer price this.price price this..
How to move Bluetooth activity into a Service UUID.fromString SPP_UUID catch IOException e e.printStackTrace mmSocket tmp @Override public void run setName ConnectThread mBluetoothAdapter.cancelDiscovery try mmSocket.connect catch IOException e try mmSocket.close catch IOException..
How to use adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); where i have to use these line for my error ImageView itemImage public class Recipedetails public String getName return name public void setName String name name public String getItemDescription return itemDescription public void setItemDescription String.. ArrayList Recipedetails results new ArrayList Recipedetails Recipedetails item_details new Recipedetails item_details.setName Vegterian item_details.setItemDescription Recipes made by raw materials item_details.setImageNumber 1 results.add item_details.. by raw materials item_details.setImageNumber 1 results.add item_details item_details new Recipedetails item_details.setName Non Vegterian item_details.setItemDescription Flesh of sweet animals item_details.setImageNumber 2 results.add item_details..
How to pass values between Fragments null Toast.makeText activity Say ing Hi in Progress... Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show if f2 null f2.isInLayout f2.setName name else mCallback.onButtonClicked name return view MainActivity.Java package com.example.fragmentexample import.. @Override public void onAttach Activity activity TODO Auto generated method stub super.onAttach activity public void setName String name txtName.setText Hi name I get the following exception 04 16 18 10 24.573 E AndroidRuntime 713 FATAL EXCEPTION..
android bluetooth can't connect the server code tmp device.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord MY_UUID catch IOException e mmSocket tmp public void run setName ConnectThread Cancel discovery because it will slow down the connection mBluetoothAdapter.cancelDiscovery try Connect the..
ListView is blank while using getFilter function My SetHelpRows file public class SetHelpRows String name String id public String getName return name public void setName String name name public String getID return id public void setID String id id public SetHelpRows String..
How to unpair bluetooth device using android 2.1 sdk int getBluetoothState boolean enable boolean disable boolean persistSetting String getAddress String getName boolean setName in String name int getScanMode boolean setScanMode int mode int duration int getDiscoverableTimeout boolean setDiscoverableTimeout..
Using GSON in Android to parse a complex JSON object
Android - Adding Subitem to a listview class Taxi private String taxiName private String taxiAddress public String getName return taxiName public void setName String name taxiName name public String getAddress return taxiAddress public void setAddress String address taxiAddress..
Android: How to get values in under specific xml tags Slideshow this.mParsedDataSetList.add mParsedExampleDataSet else if localName.equals name mParsedExampleDataSet.setName mStringBuilder.toString .trim else if localName.equals title mParsedExampleDataSet.setTitle mStringBuilder.toString .trim.. String title null private String pages null private String url null name public String getName return name public void setName String name name title public String getTitle return title public void setTitle String title this.title title..
How to get contacts from native phonebook in android nameFieldColumnIndex contacts.getColumnIndex PhoneLookup.DISPLAY_NAME if nameFieldColumnIndex 1 aContact.setName contacts.getString nameFieldColumnIndex PROJECTION new String Phone.NUMBER final Cursor phone managedQuery Phone.CONTENT_URI.. Person class public class Person String myName String myNumber public String getName return myName public void setName String name myName name public String getPhoneNum return myNumber public void setPhoneNum String number myNumber number..
How to find Location near by my Current location? public void setLongitude Double longitude this.longitude longitude public String getName return name public void setName String name name public String getVicinity return vicinity public void setVicinity String vicinity this.vicinity.. location.get lat result.setLongitude Double location.get lng result.setIcon pontoReferencia.getString icon result.setName pontoReferencia.getString name result.setVicinity pontoReferencia.getString vicinity result.setId pontoReferencia.getString..
Android AutoCompleteTextView with Custom Adapter filtering not working Reconstruct from the Parcel id source.readInt name source.readString public void setId int id id public void setName String name name public int getId return public String getName return @Override public int describeContents..
checkbox in listview for multiple selection of contacts Contact String name boolean checked name this.checked checked public String getName return name public void setName String name name public boolean isChecked return checked public void setChecked boolean checked this.checked checked..