android Programming Glossary: setindicator
How to change the title of the Tab Dynamically This is the title that we provide while adding the tabs to the TabHost. Eg TabHost.addTab tabHost.newTabSpec Tab2 .setIndicator I need to be Changed dynamically .setContent.... In the above example the title of the tab2 that i provided under setIndicator.. I need to be Changed dynamically .setContent.... In the above example the title of the tab2 that i provided under setIndicator should be changed dynamically. Is there any way to accomplish this. android share improve this question Unless you..
Custom style for Android's TabWidget savedInstanceState setContentView tabHost getTabHost tabHost.addTab tabHost.newTabSpec tab1 .setIndicator Tab 1 .setContent new Intent this Tab1.class tabHost.addTab tabHost.newTabSpec tab2 .setIndicator Tab 2 .setContent new.. tab1 .setIndicator Tab 1 .setContent new Intent this Tab1.class tabHost.addTab tabHost.newTabSpec tab2 .setIndicator Tab 2 .setContent new Intent this Tab2.class tabHost.setCurrentTab 0 This is my tab.xml. Notice that I have specified MyTabStyle.. Works with Android 1.6 and above Custom Android Tabs . I haven't tried it yet but getting there. Basically you call setIndicator on your TabSpec and pass it a view instead of just text. Then you can customize that view using selectors etc. share improve..
android:orientation=“vertical” does not work for TabWidget call its setup method explicitly. The usual way to create a tab is to call tabHost.addTab tabHost.newTabSpec tab name .setIndicator title icon .setContent ... The setIndicator method taking a title string and a drawable as parameters creates a layout that.. way to create a tab is to call tabHost.addTab tabHost.newTabSpec tab name .setIndicator title icon .setContent ... The setIndicator method taking a title string and a drawable as parameters creates a layout that is valid only in portrait mode. One has.. as parameters creates a layout that is valid only in portrait mode. One has to create one's own view and give it to setIndicator . It is enough to copy the TabSpec.LabelAndIconIndicatorStrategy.createIndicatorView code private View createIndicatorView..
Controlling Tab colour-state / size in a TabActivity? android tabwidget tabactivity share improve this question The view which represents each tab can be changed using setIndicator View I've been using this code to build each tab View view buildTabView this Friday TabHost.TabSpec spec tabHost.newTabSpec.. using this code to build each tab View view buildTabView this Friday TabHost.TabSpec spec tabHost.newTabSpec cat1 .setIndicator view .setContent intent tabHost.addTab spec public static LinearLayout buildTabView Context context String label LayoutInflater..
Android: Change Tab Text Color Programmatically tid1 TabSpec secondTabSpec tabHost.newTabSpec tid2 TabSpec ThirdTabSpec tabHost.newTabSpec tid3 TabSpec setIndicator is used to set name for the tab. TabSpec setContent is used to set content for a particular tab. firstTabSpec.setIndicator.. is used to set name for the tab. TabSpec setContent is used to set content for a particular tab. firstTabSpec.setIndicator Tab1 getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.tab1 secondTabSpec.setIndicator Tab2 getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.tab2.. content for a particular tab. firstTabSpec.setIndicator Tab1 getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.tab1 secondTabSpec.setIndicator Tab2 getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.tab2 ThirdTabSpec.setIndicator Tab3 getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.tab3..