android Programming Glossary: setid
Setting a value in one class and retrieving from another class in Java (Android app) take the string gwid and convert to long obj_getset.setId setid set the gwid entered Toast toast Toast.makeText context.. public class GetSet long gwid 0 public void setId long id gwid id public long getId return gwid
Android FragmentTabHost - Not fully baked yet? TabWidget tw new TabWidget context tw.setId tw.setOrientation TabWidget.HORIZONTAL ll.addView.. 0 FrameLayout fl new FrameLayout context fl.setId ll.addView fl new LinearLayout.LayoutParams.. fl new FrameLayout context mRealTabContent.setId mContainerId ll.addView fl new LinearLayout.LayoutParams LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT..
Android: How to get id of the spinner item using ArrayAdapter String message public String getId return id public void setId String id id public String getMessage return message..
How do I load a contact Photo? null null null try if cursor.moveToFirst contactInfo.setId cursor.getLong 0 contactInfo.setDisplayName cursor.getString.. photoUri public long getId return public void setId long id id Clearly I'm doing something wrong here but..
JSON Array iteration in Android/Java dateString else if names.getString i .equals id setId values.getLong i else if names.getString i .equals offerCode..
How to prevent Custom Views from losing state across screen orientation changes 0. This happens when you give it an id in xml or call setId manually. Otherwise you have to call View#onSaveInstanceState..
my Custom View gets drawn only when added in onCreate context .inflate R.layout.graphbar this true setId defined in merge but not assigned @Override protected.. will be used to make the redundant requestLayout call setId ... @Override protected void onDraw Canvas canvas..
How to get data from each dynamically created EditText in Android in android. And also assigned them the unique ID's using setId method. Now waht I want to do is to get data from the dynamically.. ed.setBackgroundResource R.color.blackOpacity ed.setId id ed.setLayoutParams new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT.. ed ed.setBackgroundResource R.color.blackOpacity ed.setId id ed.setLayoutParams new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT..
Persisting a Collection class with ORMLite in android myStringList this.myStringList myStringList public void setId long id id public long getId return id public class.. String myString this.myString myString public void setId long id id public long getId return id java android..
How to find Location near by my Current location? Double longitude public String getId return id public void setId String id id public String getIcon return icon public.. pontoReferencia.getString vicinity result.setId pontoReferencia.getString id return result catch JSONException..
Android AutoCompleteTextView with Custom Adapter filtering not working id source.readInt name source.readString public void setId int id id public void setName String name
Setting a value in one class and retrieving from another class in Java (Android app) make the textbox empty long setid Long.parseLong gwidCheck take the string gwid and convert to long obj_getset.setId setid set the gwid entered Toast toast Toast.makeText context text duration intentfunction else Context.. getMenuInflater .inflate menu return true public class GetSet long gwid 0 public void setId long id gwid id public long getId return gwid public class MySQLitehelper public static final String..
Android FragmentTabHost - Not fully baked yet? ViewGroup.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT ViewGroup.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT TabWidget tw new TabWidget context tw.setId tw.setOrientation TabWidget.HORIZONTAL ll.addView tw new LinearLayout.LayoutParams ViewGroup.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT.. ViewGroup.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT 0 FrameLayout fl new FrameLayout context fl.setId ll.addView fl new LinearLayout.LayoutParams 0 0 0 mRealTabContent fl new FrameLayout context .. ll.addView fl new LinearLayout.LayoutParams 0 0 0 mRealTabContent fl new FrameLayout context mRealTabContent.setId mContainerId ll.addView fl new LinearLayout.LayoutParams LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT 0 1 XML Layout for fragment..
Android: How to get id of the spinner item using ArrayAdapter has itz own id public class Message private String id private String message public String getId return id public void setId String id id public String getMessage return message public void setMessage String message this.message message..
How do I load a contact Photo? Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME Phone.NUMBER Contacts.PHOTO_ID null null null try if cursor.moveToFirst contactInfo.setId cursor.getLong 0 contactInfo.setDisplayName cursor.getString 1 contactInfo.setPhoneNumber cursor.getString 2 finally.. this.photoUri public void setPhotoUri Uri photoUri this.photoUri photoUri public long getId return public void setId long id id Clearly I'm doing something wrong here but I can't seem to figure out what the problem is. Thanks. ..
JSON Array iteration in Android/Java dateString values.getString i setExpiryDate stringToDateHelper dateString else if names.getString i .equals id setId values.getLong i else if names.getString i .equals offerCode setOfferCode values.getString i else if names.getString..
How to prevent Custom Views from losing state across screen orientation changes are called automatically for you if View#getId returns a value 0. This happens when you give it an id in xml or call setId manually. Otherwise you have to call View#onSaveInstanceState and write the Parcelable returned to the parcel you get in..
my Custom View gets drawn only when added in onCreate attrs int defStyle super context attrs defStyle LayoutInflater.from context .inflate R.layout.graphbar this true setId defined in merge but not assigned @Override protected void onSizeChanged int w int h int oldw int oldh super.onSizeChanged.. this true setWillNotDraw false WORKAROUND onDraw will be used to make the redundant requestLayout call setId ... @Override protected void onDraw Canvas canvas super.onDraw canvas i think it's one of the worst workaround..
How to get data from each dynamically created EditText in Android successfully created edit text depending upon the user input in android. And also assigned them the unique ID's using setId method. Now waht I want to do is to get data from the dynamically created edittexts when the user clicks a button and store.. EditText ed for int i 0 i count i ed new EditText Activity2.this ed.setBackgroundResource R.color.blackOpacity ed.setId id ed.setLayoutParams new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT linear.addView ed How do I now.. for int i 0 i count i ed new EditText Activity2.this allEds.add ed ed.setBackgroundResource R.color.blackOpacity ed.setId id ed.setLayoutParams new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT linear.addView ed Now allEds list..
Persisting a Collection class with ORMLite in android return myStringList public void setMyStringList List String myStringList this.myStringList myStringList public void setId long id id public long getId return id public class B private int myInt private String myString private A myA private.. public String getMyString return myString public void setMyString String myString this.myString myString public void setId long id id public long getId return id java android database orm ormlite share improve this question @Robert..
How to find Location near by my Current location? private String vicinity private Double latitude private Double longitude public String getId return id public void setId String id id public String getIcon return icon public void setIcon String icon this.icon icon public Double getLatitude.. icon result.setName pontoReferencia.getString name result.setVicinity pontoReferencia.getString vicinity result.setId pontoReferencia.getString id return result catch JSONException ex Logger.getLogger Place.class.getName .log Level.SEVERE..
Android AutoCompleteTextView with Custom Adapter filtering not working public Customer Parcel source Reconstruct from the Parcel id source.readInt name source.readString public void setId int id id public void setName String name name public int getId return public String getName return..