android Programming Glossary: setintent
android - Caused by: android.view.ViewRootImpl$CalledFromWrongThreadException [duplicate] 0 .getRecords 0 .getPayload ndefMsg new String payload setIntent new Intent Consume this intent. ConnectivityManager connManager..
How can I display a specific folder in Android Gallery3D (cooliris)? savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setIntentToSpecificFolder mApp new App Gallery.this the rest of onCreate.. the rest of onCreate code Log.i TAG onCreate private void setIntentToSpecificFolder String folderPath Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory.. targetUri image setIntent intent Basically what we are doing here is leveraging the ACTION_VIEW..
Android - How To Override the “Back” button so it doesn't Finish() my Activity? void onBackPressed Log.d CDA onBackPressed Called Intent setIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_MAIN setIntent.addCategory Intent.CATEGORY_HOME.. Called Intent setIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_MAIN setIntent.addCategory Intent.CATEGORY_HOME setIntent.setFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK.. setIntent.addCategory Intent.CATEGORY_HOME setIntent.setFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK startActivity setIntent..
Android - onBackPressed() not working void onBackPressed Log.d CDA onBackPressed Called Intent setIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_MAIN setIntent.addCategory Intent.CATEGORY_HOME.. Called Intent setIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_MAIN setIntent.addCategory Intent.CATEGORY_HOME setIntent.setFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK.. setIntent.addCategory Intent.CATEGORY_HOME setIntent.setFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK startActivity setIntent..
How to capture the new Intent in onNewIntent()? you're doing in onCreate . Also you probably want to call setIntent intent in onNewIntent to make sure future calls to getIntent..
Override back button in android .stop if start mp.stop start false else Intent setIntent new Intent AudioPlay1.this Songs.class startActivity setIntent.. new Intent AudioPlay1.this Songs.class startActivity setIntent finish Intent setIntent new Intent AudioPlay1.this Songs.class.. Songs.class startActivity setIntent finish Intent setIntent new Intent AudioPlay1.this Songs.class startActivity setIntent..
onNewIntent() lifecycle and registered listeners intent getIntent should always return the most recent setIntent intent With all setup logic happening in onResume by utilizing..
android - Caused by: android.view.ViewRootImpl$CalledFromWrongThreadException [duplicate] messages getNdefMessages getIntent byte payload messages 0 .getRecords 0 .getPayload ndefMsg new String payload setIntent new Intent Consume this intent. ConnectivityManager connManager ConnectivityManager getSystemService CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE..
How can I display a specific folder in Android Gallery3D (cooliris)? a specific one in onCreate @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setIntentToSpecificFolder mApp new App Gallery.this the rest of onCreate code Log.i TAG onCreate private void setIntentToSpecificFolder.. setIntentToSpecificFolder mApp new App Gallery.this the rest of onCreate code Log.i TAG onCreate private void setIntentToSpecificFolder String folderPath Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString DCIM Camera int folderBucketId folderPath.toLowerCase.. .build Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.setDataAndType targetUri image setIntent intent Basically what we are doing here is leveraging the ACTION_VIEW intent handling of the app when it is supplied with..
Android - How To Override the “Back” button so it doesn't Finish() my Activity? onBackPressed return super.onKeyDown keyCode event public void onBackPressed Log.d CDA onBackPressed Called Intent setIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_MAIN setIntent.addCategory Intent.CATEGORY_HOME setIntent.setFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK.. event public void onBackPressed Log.d CDA onBackPressed Called Intent setIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_MAIN setIntent.addCategory Intent.CATEGORY_HOME setIntent.setFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK startActivity setIntent return However.. CDA onBackPressed Called Intent setIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_MAIN setIntent.addCategory Intent.CATEGORY_HOME setIntent.setFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK startActivity setIntent return However the above code still seems to allow my Activity..
Android - onBackPressed() not working onKeyDown Called onBackPressed return true @Override public void onBackPressed Log.d CDA onBackPressed Called Intent setIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_MAIN setIntent.addCategory Intent.CATEGORY_HOME setIntent.setFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK.. true @Override public void onBackPressed Log.d CDA onBackPressed Called Intent setIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_MAIN setIntent.addCategory Intent.CATEGORY_HOME setIntent.setFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK startActivity setIntent return It works.. CDA onBackPressed Called Intent setIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_MAIN setIntent.addCategory Intent.CATEGORY_HOME setIntent.setFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK startActivity setIntent return It works on pre 2.x devices but doesn't work on a..
How to capture the new Intent in onNewIntent()? the UI with the new parameters probably similar to what you're doing in onCreate . Also you probably want to call setIntent intent in onNewIntent to make sure future calls to getIntent within the Activity lifecycle get the most recent Intent data...
Override back button in android onBackPressed Called audioStreamer.stop audioStreamer.getMediaPlayer .stop if start mp.stop start false else Intent setIntent new Intent AudioPlay1.this Songs.class startActivity setIntent finish Intent setIntent new Intent AudioPlay1.this Songs.class.. .stop if start mp.stop start false else Intent setIntent new Intent AudioPlay1.this Songs.class startActivity setIntent finish Intent setIntent new Intent AudioPlay1.this Songs.class startActivity setIntent finish return @Override public void.. mp.stop start false else Intent setIntent new Intent AudioPlay1.this Songs.class startActivity setIntent finish Intent setIntent new Intent AudioPlay1.this Songs.class startActivity setIntent finish return @Override public void onClick View v if v.equals..
onNewIntent() lifecycle and registered listeners