android Programming Glossary: setdata
Android ViewPager - can't update dynamically getSupportFragmentManager 6 this data adapter.setData data adapter.notifyDataSetChanged pager.invalidate pager.setCurrentItem.. public int getCount return slideCount public void setData String data data @Override public int getItemPosition..
How to implement search in CustomListView based on class item of POJO class in Android? null return mPostingData.size else return 0 public void setData ArrayList PostData mPpst mPostingData mPpst public Object getItem.. FilterResults results if results null results.count 0 setData results.values else setData mPostingData notifyDataSetInvalidated.. null results.count 0 setData results.values else setData mPostingData notifyDataSetInvalidated @Override protected..
how to set json parsed data in a listview and then adding search functionality in it extends ArrayAdapter LayoutInflater mInflater public void setData ArrayList NewData mPpst mPostingData mPpst contains class items.. FilterResults results if results null results.count 0 setData ArrayList NewData results.values if results of search is null.. of search is null set the searched results data else setData mOri set original values notifyDataSetInvalidated @Override..
multiple layout viewpager with one fragment Integer.parseInt mPracRecordMap.get 1 .getQTYPE setData p mMyFragmentPagerAdapter new MyFragmentPagerAdapter getSupportFragmentManager.. mPracRecordMap.get mViewPager.getCurrentItem 1 .getEXPL setData p @Override public void onPageScrolled int arg0 float arg1.. onPageScrollStateChanged int arg0 @Override public void setData GrePracticeTestRecord p TODO Auto generated method stub @Override..
android pending intent notification problem false when comparing the two. For example you could call setData or setAction and provide different values for each Intent ...
ACTION_SENDTO for sending an email Uri uri Uri.parse mailto intent.setData uri intent.putExtra subject my subject intent.putExtra body.. does not work to add subject and text to the intent. Use setData and the Uri tool add subject and text. This example works for.. sendIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_SENDTO sendIntent.setData uri startActivity Intent.createChooser sendIntent Send email..
Android - What's the best way to share data between activities? String data public String getData return data public void setData String data data private static final DataHolder holder.. String data public String getData return data public void setData String data data Before launching the activity MyApplication.. MyApplication app MyApplication getApplicationContext app.setData someData Then from the launched activity MyApplication app MyApplication..
implement search on a custom listview null return mPostingData.size else return 0 public void setData ArrayList PostData mPpst mPostingData mPpst contains class items.. FilterResults results if results null results.count 0 setData ArrayList PostData results.values if results of search is null.. of search is null set the searched results data else setData mOri set original values notifyDataSetInvalidated @Override..
Sending SMS using Intent does not add recipients on some devices data removes type. This is what I've found public Intent setData Uri data mData data mType null return this public Intent setType.. type mData null mType type return this public Intent setDataAndType Uri data String type mData data mType type return this.. in Uri.parse smsto phoneNumber . I also tried using setDataAndType but then android just can't find the right Intent to..
Android ViewPager - can't update dynamically changed3 changed4 changed5 changed6 adapter new MyFragmentAdapter getSupportFragmentManager 6 this data adapter.setData data adapter.notifyDataSetChanged pager.invalidate pager.setCurrentItem 0 MyFragmentAdapter class MyFragmentAdapter extends.. int position return new MyFragment data position context @Override public int getCount return slideCount public void setData String data data @Override public int getItemPosition Object object return POSITION_NONE MyFragment public final..
How to implement search in CustomListView based on class item of POJO class in Android? int getCount TODO Auto generated method stub if mPostingData null return mPostingData.size else return 0 public void setData ArrayList PostData mPpst mPostingData mPpst public Object getItem int arg0 TODO Auto generated method stub return arg0 public.. protected void publishResults CharSequence constraint FilterResults results if results null results.count 0 setData results.values else setData mPostingData notifyDataSetInvalidated @Override protected FilterResults performFiltering.. CharSequence constraint FilterResults results if results null results.count 0 setData results.values else setData mPostingData notifyDataSetInvalidated @Override protected FilterResults performFiltering CharSequence constraint FilterResults..
how to set json parsed data in a listview and then adding search functionality in it public void afterTextChanged Editable s class Myadapter extends ArrayAdapter LayoutInflater mInflater public void setData ArrayList NewData mPpst mPostingData mPpst contains class items data. @Override public Filter getFilter return new Filter.. protected void publishResults CharSequence constraint FilterResults results if results null results.count 0 setData ArrayList NewData results.values if results of search is null set the searched results data else setData mOri set original.. 0 setData ArrayList NewData results.values if results of search is null set the searched results data else setData mOri set original values notifyDataSetInvalidated @Override protected FilterResults performFiltering CharSequence constraint..
multiple layout viewpager with one fragment 1 .getQUES p.setEXPL mPracRecordMap.get 1 .getEXPL fragmentToReturn Integer.parseInt mPracRecordMap.get 1 .getQTYPE setData p mMyFragmentPagerAdapter new MyFragmentPagerAdapter getSupportFragmentManager fList mViewPager.setAdapter mMyFragmentPagerAdapter.. mViewPager.getCurrentItem 1 .getQUES p.setEXPL mPracRecordMap.get mViewPager.getCurrentItem 1 .getEXPL setData p @Override public void onPageScrolled int arg0 float arg1 int arg2 @Override public void onPageScrollStateChanged int.. int arg0 float arg1 int arg2 @Override public void onPageScrollStateChanged int arg0 @Override public void setData GrePracticeTestRecord p TODO Auto generated method stub @Override public GrePracticeTestRecord getData TODO Auto generated..
android pending intent notification problem
ACTION_SENDTO for sending an email void onClick View v Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_SENDTO Uri uri Uri.parse mailto intent.setData uri intent.putExtra subject my subject intent.putExtra body my message startActivity intent android activity android intent.. improve this question If you use ACTION_SENDTO putExtra does not work to add subject and text to the intent. Use setData and the Uri tool add subject and text. This example works for me ACTION_SENDTO filters for email apps discard bluetooth..
Android - What's the best way to share data between activities? a class to whole the data public class DataHolder private String data public String getData return data public void setData String data data private static final DataHolder holder new DataHolder public static DataHolder getInstance return.. public class MyApplication extends Application private String data public String getData return data public void setData String data data Before launching the activity MyApplication app MyApplication getApplicationContext app.setData.. String data data Before launching the activity MyApplication app MyApplication getApplicationContext app.setData someData Then from the launched activity MyApplication app MyApplication getApplicationContext String data app.getData Static..
implement search on a custom listview R.drawable.video_icon public int getCount if mPostingData null return mPostingData.size else return 0 public void setData ArrayList PostData mPpst mPostingData mPpst contains class items data. @Override public Filter getFilter return new Filter.. protected void publishResults CharSequence constraint FilterResults results if results null results.count 0 setData ArrayList PostData results.values if results of search is null set the searched results data else setData mOri set original.. 0 setData ArrayList PostData results.values if results of search is null set the searched results data else setData mOri set original values notifyDataSetInvalidated @Override protected FilterResults performFiltering CharSequence constraint..
Sending SMS using Intent does not add recipients on some devices it seems that setting intent type removes data and setting data removes type. This is what I've found public Intent setData Uri data mData data mType null return this public Intent setType String type mData null mType type return this public Intent.. mData data mType null return this public Intent setType String type mData null mType type return this public Intent setDataAndType Uri data String type mData data mType type return this So setting type overrides my data provided in Uri.parse smsto.. mType type return this So setting type overrides my data provided in Uri.parse smsto phoneNumber . I also tried using setDataAndType but then android just can't find the right Intent to start for such combination... So this is the final solution..