android Programming Glossary: setimagedrawable
Android Image View Pinch Zooming canvas.restore non Javadoc @see android.widget.ImageView#setImageDrawable @Override public void setImageDrawable.. @Override public void setImageDrawable Drawable drawable Constrain to given size but keep aspect ratio.. .height borderWidth int height mScaleFactor 2 super.setImageDrawable drawable float pivotPointX 0f float pivotPointY 0f private class..
Android - Issue with lazy loading images into a ListView appropriate ImageView and sets the image with ImageView.setImageDrawable . So the solution I used is kind of similar to this one http.. problem I'm having is that as soon as I make the call to setImageDrawable on the ImageView the ListView somehow refreshes all currently.. is called thread is spawned to load image image is loaded setImageDrawable is called on ImageView ListView picks it up for some reason..
Using a rounded corners drawable renderscript solution for this It doesn't matter if I use setImageDrawable or setBackgroundDrawable. It must be something in the drawable..
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? String detailMessage setImageBitmap not supported use setImageDrawable or setImageResource throw new RuntimeException detailMessage.. String detailMessage setImageURI not supported use setImageDrawable or setImageResource throw new RuntimeException detailMessage..
how to display image from internet in android? share improve this question You can use the method setImageDrawable ImageView iv new ImageView URL url new URL address InputStream.. Drawable d Drawable.createFromStream content src iv.setImageDrawable d Edit You might want to look into Android Universal Image Loader..
android - adding a String over a Drawable image? image getResources .getDrawable tile_types tileType setImageDrawable image I'd like to add a String over this image. Thanks. android..
Recycle ImageView's Bitmap is implemented as public void setImageBitmap Bitmap bm setImageDrawable new BitmapDrawable mContext.getResources bm share improve..
Consequences of drawable.setCallback(null); extra code I tried to unbind them immediately after setImageDrawable drawable and I don't see any consequences so far. This is code.. far. This is code from MyImageView class extends ImageView setImageDrawable drawable d.setCallback null In debugger I can clearly see that..
What does Bitmap#recycle() in Android Honeycomb actually DO? . This may even be the case if setImageResource ... or setImageDrawable ... are called they were loading in a relatively small nine..
Android Image View Pinch Zooming .getBitmap matrix null this.getDrawable .draw canvas canvas.restore non Javadoc @see android.widget.ImageView#setImageDrawable @Override public void setImageDrawable Drawable drawable Constrain to given size but.. non Javadoc @see android.widget.ImageView#setImageDrawable @Override public void setImageDrawable Drawable drawable Constrain to given size but keep aspect ratio int width drawable.getIntrinsicWidth int height drawable.getIntrinsicHeight.. int width mScaleFactor 2 pivotPointY float getLayoutParams .height borderWidth int height mScaleFactor 2 super.setImageDrawable drawable float pivotPointX 0f float pivotPointY 0f private class ScaleListener extends ScaleGestureDetector.SimpleOnScaleGestureListener..
Android - Issue with lazy loading images into a ListView to load an image. After the loading is done it looks up the appropriate ImageView and sets the image with ImageView.setImageDrawable . So the solution I used is kind of similar to this one http questions 541966 android how do i do a lazy.. android how do i do a lazy load of images in listview The problem I'm having is that as soon as I make the call to setImageDrawable on the ImageView the ListView somehow refreshes all currently visible rows in the list This results in kind of an infinite.. in the list This results in kind of an infinite loop getView is called thread is spawned to load image image is loaded setImageDrawable is called on ImageView ListView picks it up for some reason and refreshes itself For the ListView to refresh getView is..
Using a rounded corners drawable a bit slow when being used in a listView. Maybe there is a renderscript solution for this It doesn't matter if I use setImageDrawable or setBackgroundDrawable. It must be something in the drawable itself. I've tried to play with the variables and the bitmapShader..
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? public void setImageBitmap Bitmap bm throws RuntimeException String detailMessage setImageBitmap not supported use setImageDrawable or setImageResource throw new RuntimeException detailMessage @Override public void setImageURI Uri uri throws RuntimeException.. @Override public void setImageURI Uri uri throws RuntimeException String detailMessage setImageURI not supported use setImageDrawable or setImageResource throw new RuntimeException detailMessage @Override protected void onDraw Canvas canvas super.onDraw..
how to display image from internet in android? in ImageView in android from a link from the internet android share improve this question You can use the method setImageDrawable ImageView iv new ImageView URL url new URL address InputStream content InputStream url.getContent Drawable d Drawable.createFromStream.. url new URL address InputStream content InputStream url.getContent Drawable d Drawable.createFromStream content src iv.setImageDrawable d Edit You might want to look into Android Universal Image Loader . This project aims to provide a reusable instrument for..
android - adding a String over a Drawable image? an onDraw method My image is showing up with this code Drawable image getResources .getDrawable tile_types tileType setImageDrawable image I'd like to add a String over this image. Thanks. android string image draw drawable share improve this question..
Recycle ImageView's Bitmap
Consequences of drawable.setCallback(null); maintaining Drawables cached in each activity would require extra code I tried to unbind them immediately after setImageDrawable drawable and I don't see any consequences so far. This is code from MyImageView class extends ImageView setImageDrawable.. drawable and I don't see any consequences so far. This is code from MyImageView class extends ImageView setImageDrawable drawable d.setCallback null In debugger I can clearly see that before first line callback is null after first line it is..
What does Bitmap#recycle() in Android Honeycomb actually DO? in memory until setImageBitmap null is called on the ImageView . This may even be the case if setImageResource ... or setImageDrawable ... are called they were loading in a relatively small nine patch ”however MAT analysis shows this did not remove the large..