android Programming Glossary: setanimation
setAnimation vs startAnimation in android vs startAnimation in android I basically want to move a view.. want to increase its height gradually So what should i use setAnimation or startAnimation. TranslateAnimation ta new TranslateAnimation.. or which one to use and what is the difference. myview.setAnimation ta quesiton how to move this relative layout i tried myview.scrollTo..
Rotating image. Animation list or animated rotate? (Android) attrs int defStyle super context attrs defStyle setAnimation attrs public ProgressView Context context AttributeSet attrs.. Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs setAnimation attrs public ProgressView Context context super context private.. ProgressView Context context super context private void setAnimation AttributeSet attrs TypedArray a getContext .obtainStyledAttributes..
setAnimation vs startAnimation in android vs startAnimation in android I basically want to move a view from 1 location to another plus i also want to increase its.. want to move a view from 1 location to another plus i also want to increase its height gradually So what should i use setAnimation or startAnimation. TranslateAnimation ta new TranslateAnimation 0 0 Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF otherview.getHeight ta.setDuration.. 1000 ta.setFillAfter true myview.startAnimation ta or which one to use and what is the difference. myview.setAnimation ta quesiton how to move this relative layout i tried myview.scrollTo x y but no use. is it possible to gradually increase..
Rotating image. Animation list or animated rotate? (Android) extends ImageView public ProgressView Context context AttributeSet attrs int defStyle super context attrs defStyle setAnimation attrs public ProgressView Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs setAnimation attrs public ProgressView.. context attrs defStyle setAnimation attrs public ProgressView Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs setAnimation attrs public ProgressView Context context super context private void setAnimation AttributeSet attrs TypedArray a getContext.. attrs super context attrs setAnimation attrs public ProgressView Context context super context private void setAnimation AttributeSet attrs TypedArray a getContext .obtainStyledAttributes attrs R.styleable.ProgressView int frameCount a.getInt..