android Programming Glossary: setbackground
Android Beginner: Setting Wallpaper Activity implements OnClickListener Button preview Button setBackground Button returnBack ImageView display ImageView wallpaper1 ImageView.. preview Button findViewById setBackground Button findViewById returnBack Button findViewById.. preview.setOnClickListener this setBackground.setOnClickListener this returnBack.setOnClickListener this display..
setBackground vs setBackgroundDrawable (Android) vs setBackgroundDrawable Android I want to set background drawable.. vs setBackgroundDrawable Android I want to set background drawable of a view... of a view. There are two methods for this as far as I see setBackground and setBackgroundDrawable. When I use setBackground it says..
Highlight selected item in “ListFragment”? if fragment null fragment.isInLayout v.setBackgroundColor getResources .getColor R.color.BLUE passes selectedStore.. selectedStore getItemList selectedStore Using setBackground sets the color permanently I want it to go away when another.. getContext parent false if position selected_pos rowView.setBackgroundColor rowView.getResources .getColor R.color.list_item_selected_color..
VerifyError deploying on API 1.6 code if android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT 11 getActionBar .setBackgroundDrawable getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.actionbar_bg This.. Activity a Drawable d a.getActionBar .setBackgroundDrawable d ... Not sure if this is the most elegant way but it.. . You can do next trick class ActionBarHelper void setBackground getActionBar .setBackgroundDrawable ... ... if android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT..
background scrolling with item in gridview context.getResources R.drawable.shelf_single setBackground shelfBackground this.setFocusable true public void setBackground.. shelfBackground this.setFocusable true public void setBackground Bitmap background this.background background mShelfWidth background.getWidth..
How to highlight selected item in ListView? are basically 1.override the adapter's getView method and setBackground for selected position 2.setBackground of the view onItemClick.. getView method and setBackground for selected position 2.setBackground of the view onItemClick and clear it for anther selection But..
Android Beginner: Setting Wallpaper android.widget.LinearLayout public class Wallpapers extends Activity implements OnClickListener Button preview Button setBackground Button returnBack ImageView display ImageView wallpaper1 ImageView wallpaper2 ImageView wallpaper3 ImageView wallpaper4.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.wallpapers preview Button findViewById setBackground Button findViewById returnBack Button findViewById preview.setOnClickListener this.. findViewById returnBack Button findViewById preview.setOnClickListener this setBackground.setOnClickListener this returnBack.setOnClickListener this display ImageView findViewById wallpaper1..
setBackground vs setBackgroundDrawable (Android) vs setBackgroundDrawable Android I want to set background drawable of a view. There are two methods for this as far as.. vs setBackgroundDrawable Android I want to set background drawable of a view. There are two methods for this as far as I see setBackground.. Android I want to set background drawable of a view. There are two methods for this as far as I see setBackground and setBackgroundDrawable. When I use setBackground it says it has been added in API level 16 but my project's min SDK version..
Highlight selected item in “ListFragment”? DetailFragment getFragmentManager .findFragmentById if fragment null fragment.isInLayout v.setBackgroundColor getResources .getColor R.color.BLUE passes selectedStore to detail fragment fragment.setText selectedStore getItemList.. R.color.BLUE passes selectedStore to detail fragment fragment.setText selectedStore getItemList selectedStore Using setBackground sets the color permanently I want it to go away when another item is selected. I understood how to use selector in a ListView.. rowView GuiBuilder.createHeroListItemView heroes.get position getContext parent false if position selected_pos rowView.setBackgroundColor rowView.getResources .getColor R.color.list_item_selected_color return rowView public void setSelectedPosition int..
VerifyError deploying on API 1.6 on android 1.6. Im getting a VerifyError on this piece of code if android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT 11 getActionBar .setBackgroundDrawable getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.actionbar_bg This is not unexpected since getActionBar doesn't exist pre API.. public class HoneycombHelper public static void setActionBarBackgroundDrawable Activity a Drawable d a.getActionBar .setBackgroundDrawable d ... Not sure if this is the most elegant way but it does seem to work. android android 3.0 android 4.0 backwards.. and since there is no such function Dalvik throws VerifyError . You can do next trick class ActionBarHelper void setBackground getActionBar .setBackgroundDrawable ... ... if android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT 11 new ActionBarHelper .setBackground This..
background scrolling with item in gridview false final Bitmap shelfBackground BitmapFactory.decodeResource context.getResources R.drawable.shelf_single setBackground shelfBackground this.setFocusable true public void setBackground Bitmap background this.background background mShelfWidth.. context.getResources R.drawable.shelf_single setBackground shelfBackground this.setFocusable true public void setBackground Bitmap background this.background background mShelfWidth background.getWidth mShelfHeight background.getHeight protected..
How to highlight selected item in ListView? I've found some similar questions and the solutions are basically 1.override the adapter's getView method and setBackground for selected position 2.setBackground of the view onItemClick and clear it for anther selection But none of them worked.. and the solutions are basically 1.override the adapter's getView method and setBackground for selected position 2.setBackground of the view onItemClick and clear it for anther selection But none of them worked for me due to a weird behaviour As I click..