android Programming Glossary: setprogress
Android: The progress bar in the window's title does not display true mWebView.setWebViewClient new browserActivityClient setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility true mWebView.loadUrl currentURL setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility.. true mWebView.loadUrl currentURL setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility false catch Exception e Log.e getClass.. .getString currentURL setContentView R.layout.browser setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility true setProgressBarVisibility true..
How to make a vertical SeekBar in Android? int i 0 i getMax int getMax event.getY getHeight setProgress i Log.i Progress getProgress onSizeChanged getWidth getHeight..
Custom Title Bar with Progress in Android android progress bar. In my code I want to be able to call setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility true and have that display the progress.. requestWindowFeature Window.FEATURE_PROGRESS setProgress xx Then use this to update the progress to xx amount To turn.. to update the progress to xx amount To turn on off use setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility false true to turn on. I have used..
android progressBar does not update progress view/drawable levelHoldBar.setMax currentLevel.getThreshold levelHoldBar.setProgress currentPoints currentLevel.getThreshold currentLevel.getThreshold.. levelUpBar.setMax nextLevel.getThreshold levelUpBar.setProgress currentPoints nextLevel.getThreshold nextLevel.getThreshold.. this does not work as one would expect bar.setMax 50 bar.setProgress 20 bar.setMax 20 bar.setProgress 20 The setProgress ... seems..
How can I get a working vertical SeekBar in Android? progress this.getBottom this.getTop this.setProgress int 29 yPos this.getBottom return true I've managed to implement.. case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP setProgress getMax int getMax event.getY getHeight onSizeChanged getWidth..
Modifying the Android seekbar widget to operate vertically System.nanoTime new Integer oProgress .toString this.setProgress int 100 event.getY this.getBottom return true android layout.. 0 if progress getMax progress getMax Draw progress setProgress progress Only enact listener if the progress has actually changed.. false break return true public synchronized void setProgressAndThumb int progress setProgress getMax getMax progress onSizeChanged..
Android: The progress bar in the window's title does not display mWebView.getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled true mWebView.setWebViewClient new browserActivityClient setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility true mWebView.loadUrl currentURL setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility false catch Exception e.. new browserActivityClient setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility true mWebView.loadUrl currentURL setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility false catch Exception e Log.e getClass .getSimpleName Browser e.getMessage Toast.makeText this.. currentURL BrowserActivity.this.getIntent .getExtras .getString currentURL setContentView R.layout.browser setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility true setProgressBarVisibility true try mWebView WebView findViewById mWebView.getSettings..
How to make a vertical SeekBar in Android? case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP int i 0 i getMax int getMax event.getY getHeight setProgress i Log.i Progress getProgress onSizeChanged getWidth getHeight 0 0 break case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL break return true..
Custom Title Bar with Progress in Android bar in the title layout so that it acts like the built in android progress bar. In my code I want to be able to call setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility true and have that display the progress bar in my custom title bar. Is this possible I have set.. any other code requestWindowFeature Window.FEATURE_INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS requestWindowFeature Window.FEATURE_PROGRESS setProgress xx Then use this to update the progress to xx amount To turn on off use setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility false true.. Window.FEATURE_PROGRESS setProgress xx Then use this to update the progress to xx amount To turn on off use setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility false true to turn on. I have used this in a login Activity my problem is that I run most of the..
android progressBar does not update progress view/drawable ProgressBar levelUpBar ... private void updateViews ... levelHoldBar.setMax currentLevel.getThreshold levelHoldBar.setProgress currentPoints currentLevel.getThreshold currentLevel.getThreshold currentPoints levelUpBar.setMax nextLevel.getThreshold.. currentLevel.getThreshold currentLevel.getThreshold currentPoints levelUpBar.setMax nextLevel.getThreshold levelUpBar.setProgress currentPoints nextLevel.getThreshold nextLevel.getThreshold currentPoints tv.setText currentPoints currentLevel.getThreshold.. Bug in ProgressBar finally... I think I found the solution... this does not work as one would expect bar.setMax 50 bar.setProgress 20 bar.setMax 20 bar.setProgress 20 The setProgress ... seems to not trigger the update on the drawable if the same value..
How can I get a working vertical SeekBar in Android? this.getProgress Code from example Not working this.setThumbOffset progress this.getBottom this.getTop this.setProgress int 29 yPos this.getBottom return true I've managed to implement one VerticalSeekBar in which the progress updates as expected.. false switch event.getAction case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP setProgress getMax int getMax event.getY getHeight onSizeChanged getWidth getHeight 0 0 break case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL break..
Modifying the Android seekbar widget to operate vertically new Integer oOffset .toString Log.d progress_postsetprogress System.nanoTime new Integer oProgress .toString this.setProgress int 100 event.getY this.getBottom return true android layout widget seekbar share improve this question I've created.. stays within boundaries of the seekbar if progress 0 progress 0 if progress getMax progress getMax Draw progress setProgress progress Only enact listener if the progress has actually changed Otherwise the listener gets called ~5 times per change.. super.onTouchEvent event setPressed false setSelected false break return true public synchronized void setProgressAndThumb int progress setProgress getMax getMax progress onSizeChanged getWidth getHeight 0 0 public synchronized void setMaximum..