android Programming Glossary: setchecked
What is the difference between the states selected, checked and activated in Android? a View implementing the Checkable interface. Methods setChecked isChecked toggle ListView after Honeycomb calls setChecked OR.. setChecked isChecked toggle ListView after Honeycomb calls setChecked OR setActivated depending on Android version as below taken.. null if child instanceof Checkable Checkable child .setChecked mCheckStates.get position else if getContext .getApplicationInfo..
CheckedTextView checkmark in ListView row not showing up mCheckable Checkable v break @Override public void setChecked boolean checked if mCheckable null mCheckable.setChecked checked.. setChecked boolean checked if mCheckable null mCheckable.setChecked checked @Override public void toggle if mCheckable null mCheckable.toggle..
Lazy download images into gridView CheckableLayout Context context super context public void setChecked boolean checked mChecked checked setBackgroundDrawable checked.. boolean isChecked return mChecked public void toggle setChecked mChecked my getView code public View getView int position View..
How can you implement multi-selection and Contextual ActionMode in ActionBarSherlock? selected item and enter multi selection mode adapter.setChecked arg2 true getSherlockActivity .startActionMode new ActionModeCallback.. this.multiMode false this.notifyDataSetChanged public void setChecked int pos boolean checked if checked this.checkedItems.add Integer.valueOf..
Android: Specify two different images for togglebutton using XML despite the class having the method isChecked and setChecked . So is there a way to do what I want in XML or am I stuck with..
How to change the text of a CheckBox in listview? implement CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener Then cb.setChecked mCheckStates.get position false cb.setOnCheckedChangeListener.. return mCheckStates.get position false public void setChecked int position boolean isChecked mCheckStates.put position isChecked.. position isChecked public void toggle int position setChecked position isChecked position @Override public void onCheckedChanged..
Displaying Contact Number and Contact Name in a custom list view Phone No phno1.get position cb.setTag position cb.setChecked mCheckStates.get position false cb.setOnCheckedChangeListener.. return mCheckStates.get position false public void setChecked int position boolean isChecked mCheckStates.put position isChecked.. notifyDataSetChanged public void toggle int position setChecked position isChecked position @Override public void onCheckedChanged..
Android: Get Selected Item Using Checkbox in Listview when I click a Button appinfo.icon holder.chkSelect.setChecked true return row import android.widget.ImageView import android.widget.TextView.. appinfo.icon holder.chkSelect.setChecked true holder.chkSelect.setTag position holder.chkSelect.setChecked.. true holder.chkSelect.setTag position holder.chkSelect.setChecked mCheckStates.get position false holder.chkSelect.setOnCheckedChangeListener..
Android ListView with RadioButton/CheckBox in singleChoice mode and a custom row layout non Javadoc @see android.widget.Checkable#setChecked boolean public void setChecked boolean checked mIsChecked checked.. android.widget.Checkable#setChecked boolean public void setChecked boolean checked mIsChecked checked if mCheckedTextView null.. checked if mCheckedTextView null mCheckedTextView.setChecked mIsChecked non Javadoc @see android.widget.Checkable#toggle..
Android listview with checkbox problem checkbox CheckBox v.findViewById checkbox.setChecked checked position final LinearLayout rowLayout LinearLayout v.findViewById.. This was tricky. The problem is that you are calling setChecked activating the old OnCheckedChangeListener . The fix is quite.. simple call setOnCheckedChangeListener before calling setChecked . This way you sever the link to the old listener from the recycled..
checkbox in listview for multiple selection of contacts convertView .findViewById nameCheckBox.setChecked mSelectedContacts.get position for int i 0 i isChecked.length.. ContactViewHolder item .getTag viewHolder.getCheckBox .setChecked planet.isChecked Throw Query and fetch the contacts. String.. name public boolean isChecked return checked public void setChecked boolean checked this.checked checked public String toString..
What is the difference between the states selected, checked and activated in Android? children of the View on which it is set Checked revolves around a View implementing the Checkable interface. Methods setChecked isChecked toggle ListView after Honeycomb calls setChecked OR setActivated depending on Android version as below taken from.. around a View implementing the Checkable interface. Methods setChecked isChecked toggle ListView after Honeycomb calls setChecked OR setActivated depending on Android version as below taken from Android source code if mChoiceMode CHOICE_MODE_NONE mCheckStates.. Android source code if mChoiceMode CHOICE_MODE_NONE mCheckStates null if child instanceof Checkable Checkable child .setChecked mCheckStates.get position else if getContext .getApplicationInfo .targetSdkVersion android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB..
CheckedTextView checkmark in ListView row not showing up 0 i childCount i View v getChildAt i if v instanceof Checkable mCheckable Checkable v break @Override public void setChecked boolean checked if mCheckable null mCheckable.setChecked checked @Override public void toggle if mCheckable null mCheckable.toggle.. mCheckable Checkable v break @Override public void setChecked boolean checked if mCheckable null mCheckable.setChecked checked @Override public void toggle if mCheckable null mCheckable.toggle After this layout is inflated it looks through..
Lazy download images into gridView implements Checkable private boolean mChecked public CheckableLayout Context context super context public void setChecked boolean checked mChecked checked setBackgroundDrawable checked getResources .getDrawable null public boolean.. checked getResources .getDrawable null public boolean isChecked return mChecked public void toggle setChecked mChecked my getView code public View getView int position View convertView ViewGroup parent TODO Auto generated method..
How can you implement multi-selection and Contextual ActionMode in ActionBarSherlock? if already in action mode do nothing return false set checked selected item and enter multi selection mode adapter.setChecked arg2 true getSherlockActivity .startActionMode new ActionModeCallback actionMode.invalidate return true this.list.setOnItemClickListener.. public void exitMultiMode this.checkedItems.clear this.multiMode false this.notifyDataSetChanged public void setChecked int pos boolean checked if checked this.checkedItems.add Integer.valueOf pos else this.checkedItems.remove Integer.valueOf..
Android: Specify two different images for togglebutton using XML There does not seem to be the android state_checked attribute despite the class having the method isChecked and setChecked . So is there a way to do what I want in XML or am I stuck with my messy workaround java android xml togglebutton share..
How to change the text of a CheckBox in listview? share improve this question Your Custom Adapter must implement CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener Then cb.setChecked mCheckStates.get position false cb.setOnCheckedChangeListener this Then use the checked state to set text to check box public.. to set text to check box public boolean isChecked int position return mCheckStates.get position false public void setChecked int position boolean isChecked mCheckStates.put position isChecked public void toggle int position setChecked position isChecked.. void setChecked int position boolean isChecked mCheckStates.put position isChecked public void toggle int position setChecked position isChecked position @Override public void onCheckedChanged CompoundButton buttonView boolean isChecked TODO Auto..
Displaying Contact Number and Contact Name in a custom list view tv.setText Name name1.get position tv1.setText Phone No phno1.get position cb.setTag position cb.setChecked mCheckStates.get position false cb.setOnCheckedChangeListener this return vi public boolean isChecked int position return.. this return vi public boolean isChecked int position return mCheckStates.get position false public void setChecked int position boolean isChecked mCheckStates.put position isChecked System.out.println hello........... notifyDataSetChanged.. position isChecked System.out.println hello........... notifyDataSetChanged public void toggle int position setChecked position isChecked position @Override public void onCheckedChanged CompoundButton buttonView boolean isChecked TODO Auto..
Android: Get Selected Item Using Checkbox in Listview when I click a Button position holder.txtTitle.setText appinfo.applicationName holder.imgIcon.setImageDrawable appinfo.icon holder.chkSelect.setChecked true return row import android.widget.ImageView import android.widget.TextView import android.widget.CheckBox public class.. position holder.txtTitle.setText appinfo.applicationName holder.imgIcon.setImageDrawable appinfo.icon holder.chkSelect.setChecked true holder.chkSelect.setTag position holder.chkSelect.setChecked mCheckStates.get position false holder.chkSelect.setOnCheckedChangeListener.. appinfo.icon holder.chkSelect.setChecked true holder.chkSelect.setTag position holder.chkSelect.setChecked mCheckStates.get position false holder.chkSelect.setOnCheckedChangeListener this return row public boolean isChecked int..
Android ListView with RadioButton/CheckBox in singleChoice mode and a custom row layout mCheckedTextView CheckedTextView findViewById non Javadoc @see android.widget.Checkable#setChecked boolean public void setChecked boolean checked mIsChecked checked if mCheckedTextView null mCheckedTextView.setChecked.. findViewById non Javadoc @see android.widget.Checkable#setChecked boolean public void setChecked boolean checked mIsChecked checked if mCheckedTextView null mCheckedTextView.setChecked mIsChecked non Javadoc @see android.widget.Checkable#toggle.. boolean public void setChecked boolean checked mIsChecked checked if mCheckedTextView null mCheckedTextView.setChecked mIsChecked non Javadoc @see android.widget.Checkable#toggle public void toggle setChecked mIsChecked exampleListView.xml..
Android listview with checkbox problem v vi.inflate R.layout.row null CheckBox checkbox CheckBox v.findViewById checkbox.setChecked checked position final LinearLayout rowLayout LinearLayout v.findViewById checkbox.setOnCheckedChangeListener.. android list listview checkbox share improve this question This was tricky. The problem is that you are calling setChecked activating the old OnCheckedChangeListener . The fix is quite simple call setOnCheckedChangeListener before calling setChecked..
checkbox in listview for multiple selection of contacts if contacts null final CheckBox nameCheckBox CheckBox convertView .findViewById nameCheckBox.setChecked mSelectedContacts.get position for int i 0 i isChecked.length i if nameCheckBox null nameCheckBox.setText contacts.getContactName.. position planet.toggleChecked ContactViewHolder viewHolder ContactViewHolder item .getTag viewHolder.getCheckBox .setChecked planet.isChecked Throw Query and fetch the contacts. String projection new String Contacts.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER Contacts._ID.. getName return name public void setName String name name public boolean isChecked return checked public void setChecked boolean checked this.checked checked public String toString return name public void toggleChecked checked checked Holds..