android Programming Glossary: setbehindcontentview
Sliding menu locks touch event on upper view by SlidingFragmentActivity Then you should set the behindView inside the onCreate method or your activity will crash. setBehindContentView R.layout.slidingmenu Replace with the layout of your menu It should fix the problem. Here is a sample code of my Activity.. for the activity setContentView R.layout.activity_listing set the Behind View REQUIRED replace with your menu's layout setBehindContentView R.layout.slidingmenu menu getSlidingMenu Now you can customize your sliding menu if you want menu.setMode SlidingMenu.LEFT..
Dynamic UI with sliding menu and actionbarsherlock onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.activity_home_screen setBehindContentView R.layout.menu_frame public class PagerAdapter1 extends FragmentPagerAdapter private List Fragment fragments.. .beginTransaction .replace mContent .commit set the Behind View This is the SlidingMenu setBehindContentView R.layout.menu_frame getSupportFragmentManager .beginTransaction .replace new ColorMenuFragment .commit customize..
sliding menu using jfeinstein10 library sm.setSecondaryShadowDrawable R.drawable.shadow setTitle Sliding Bar set the Behind View setBehindContentView R.layout.menu_frame FragmentTransaction t this.getSupportFragmentManager .beginTransaction mFrag new SampleListFragment..