android Programming Glossary: setdisplayorientation
Force a camera to always open in portrait mode in android As of API lvl 8 this is available public final void setDisplayOrientation int degrees i.e. with portait in the manifest public void surfaceCreated..
Android Camera Preview Rotation Developer Site after android 2.2 there is the function setDisplayOrientation to adjust the camera preview rotation. And also according to.. Nexus SII or some high end device it work fine. Does setDisplayOrientation not support or the devices firmware is not ready PS. All devices.. holder int format int width int height camera.setDisplayOrientation 90 as well as did post rotate the picture before displaying..
Android Camera in Portrait on SurfaceView As of API lvl 8 this is available public final void setDisplayOrientation int degrees i.e. with portait in the manifest public void surfaceCreated..
Android camera unexplainable rotation on capture for some devices (not in EXIF) affects Motorola devices. The google devs included a setDisplayOrientation call in API 8 to work around the issue. The main bug is filed..
Camera is wrong unless keyboard is open you can rotate camera orientation to portrait using camera.setDisplayOrientation 90 . Prior to v2.2 the camera will only display in landscape.. rotateMethod android.hardware.Camera.class.getMethod setDisplayOrientation int.class rotateMethod.invoke mCamera 90 This is the most straightforward..
Android: Jpeg saved from camera looks corrupted fine however without it I can't set the preview size and setDisplayOrientation also appears to have no effect without it. My app is targeting.. call is required in order for preview size to be set and setDisplayOrientation to take effect... Unfortunately it's also causing JPEG to be.. ImageFormat.JPEG mCamera.setParameters parameters mCamera.setDisplayOrientation 90 mCamera.startPreview This is the snapshot button event handler..
Force a camera to always open in portrait mode in android android intent android camera share improve this question As of API lvl 8 this is available public final void setDisplayOrientation int degrees i.e. with portait in the manifest public void surfaceCreated SurfaceHolder holder mCamera mCamera.setDisplayOrientation..
Android Camera Preview Rotation Camera Preview Rotation According to Android Developer Site after android 2.2 there is the function setDisplayOrientation to adjust the camera preview rotation. And also according to the Android Developer Site we can find following source code... S5660 YP G1 YP G70 etc Just part of machine not working Galaxy Nexus SII or some high end device it work fine. Does setDisplayOrientation not support or the devices firmware is not ready PS. All devices are Android 2.3.1 or above. Help. android orientation.. to 90 degrees through this in public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height camera.setDisplayOrientation 90 as well as did post rotate the picture before displaying or saving it through in PictureCallback myPictureCallback_JPG..
Android Camera in Portrait on SurfaceView client Thanks Prasanna android share improve this question As of API lvl 8 this is available public final void setDisplayOrientation int degrees i.e. with portait in the manifest public void surfaceCreated SurfaceHolder holder mCamera mCamera.setDisplayOrientation..
Android camera unexplainable rotation on capture for some devices (not in EXIF) question This is actually a device specific issue that mostly affects Motorola devices. The google devs included a setDisplayOrientation call in API 8 to work around the issue. The main bug is filed here . For those that can't go to API 8 the two common solutions..
Camera is wrong unless keyboard is open this question If your application runs on v2.2 or above you can rotate camera orientation to portrait using camera.setDisplayOrientation 90 . Prior to v2.2 the camera will only display in landscape orientation so you're forced to set the activity to landscape.. After opening camera call via reflection Method rotateMethod android.hardware.Camera.class.getMethod setDisplayOrientation int.class rotateMethod.invoke mCamera 90 This is the most straightforward solution and hopefully as new devices come out..
Android: Jpeg saved from camera looks corrupted see code snippet below if I remove that then the image saves fine however without it I can't set the preview size and setDisplayOrientation also appears to have no effect without it. My app is targeting API Level 8 Android 2.2 and I'm debugging on an HTC Desire.. Camera.Size size getBestPreviewSize w h This next call is required in order for preview size to be set and setDisplayOrientation to take effect... Unfortunately it's also causing JPEG to be created wrong parameters.setPreviewSize size.width size.height.. size.width size.height parameters.setPictureFormat ImageFormat.JPEG mCamera.setParameters parameters mCamera.setDisplayOrientation 90 mCamera.startPreview This is the snapshot button event handler public void onSnapshotButtonClick View target void android.hardware.Camera.takePicture..