android Programming Glossary: setresult
Android, How to manage start activity for result? new Intent returnIntent.putExtra result result setResult RESULT_OK returnIntent finish if you don't want to return data.. don't want to return data Intent returnIntent new Intent setResult RESULT_CANCELED returnIntent finish Now in your FirstActivity..
How to pass the values from one activity to previous activity in its extras bundle. To pass it back to the parent call setResult before calling finish to close the secondary Activity. resultIntent.. PUBLIC_STATIC_STRING_IDENTIFIER enteredTextValue setResult Activity.RESULT_OK resultIntent finish The final step is in..
how to save image taken from camera and show it to listview - crashes with “IllegalStateException” query Intent k new Intent this MainActivity.class setResult RESULT_OK k finish How should I handle the imageblob value 2..
How to return a result (startActivityForResult) from a TabHost Activity? this.getIntent intent.putExtra SOMETHING EXTRAS this.setResult RESULT_OK intent finish onActivityResult is called in Class.. like that Intent data new Intent ... if getParent null setResult Activity.RESULT_OK data else getParent .setResult Activity.RESULT_OK.. null setResult Activity.RESULT_OK data else getParent .setResult Activity.RESULT_OK data finish I hope that will be helpful if..
setResult does not work when BACK button pressed does not work when BACK button pressed I am trying to setResult.. does not work when BACK button pressed I am trying to setResult after the BACK button was pressed. I call in onDestroy Intent.. was pressed. I call in onDestroy Intent data new Intent setResult RESULT_OK data But when it comes to onActivityResult int requestCode..
Android - LinearLayout Horizontal with wrapping children new Intent myIntent.putExtra link_info ds.Sample setResult link_clicked myIntent finish txtSamItem.measure 0 0 widthSoFar..
onActivityResult() called prematurely MyConfigure.class 1458 MyConfigure class does NOT have any setResult calls. In fact MyConfigure class doesn't have any code except.. 2.1 emulators as well as 2.1 device. Is there a call to setResult buried somewhere in PreferenceActivity Or how else can this..
Multiple Instances Of Widget Only Updating Last widget AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_ID mAppWidgetId setResult RESULT_OK resultValue finish I pass the Widget ID to the function......
Android: Capturing the return of an activity the extras bundle. To pass it back to the parent call setResult before calling finish to close the camera Activity. resultIntent.. PUBLIC_STATIC_STRING_IDENTIFIER tabIndexValue setResult Activity.RESULT_OK resultIntent finish The final step is in..
Android create shortcuts on the home screen
Sending data back to the Main Activity in android pipeline for sending data back to the main Activity using setResult . The setResult method takes an int result value and an Intent.. data back to the main Activity using setResult . The setResult method takes an int result value and an Intent that is passed.. Add extras or a data URI to this intent as appropriate. setResult Activity.RESULT_OK resultIntent finish To access the returned..
Android, How to manage start activity for result? eg In secondActivity if you want to send back data Intent returnIntent new Intent returnIntent.putExtra result result setResult RESULT_OK returnIntent finish if you don't want to return data Intent returnIntent new Intent setResult RESULT_CANCELED.. result result setResult RESULT_OK returnIntent finish if you don't want to return data Intent returnIntent new Intent setResult RESULT_CANCELED returnIntent finish Now in your FirstActivity class write following code for onActivityResult method protected..
How to pass the values from one activity to previous activity to create a new Intent and include the entered text value in its extras bundle. To pass it back to the parent call setResult before calling finish to close the secondary Activity. resultIntent new Intent null resultIntent.putExtra PUBLIC_STATIC_STRING_IDENTIFIER.. Activity. resultIntent new Intent null resultIntent.putExtra PUBLIC_STATIC_STRING_IDENTIFIER enteredTextValue setResult Activity.RESULT_OK resultIntent finish The final step is in the calling Activity override onActivityResult to listen for..
how to save image taken from camera and show it to listview - crashes with “IllegalStateException” .. mytitle .... mycomments ' ' myimageblob ' sqlHandler.executeQuery query Intent k new Intent this MainActivity.class setResult RESULT_OK k finish How should I handle the imageblob value 2 In MainActivity where the list view is I have ... myItems theItems..
How to return a result (startActivityForResult) from a TabHost Activity? Class C this class is a regular Activity Intent intent this.getIntent intent.putExtra SOMETHING EXTRAS this.setResult RESULT_OK intent finish onActivityResult is called in Class A but the resultCode is RESULT_CANCELED instead of RESULT_OK.. my solution is to set result to the parent activity if present like that Intent data new Intent ... if getParent null setResult Activity.RESULT_OK data else getParent .setResult Activity.RESULT_OK data finish I hope that will be helpful if someone.. if present like that Intent data new Intent ... if getParent null setResult Activity.RESULT_OK data else getParent .setResult Activity.RESULT_OK data finish I hope that will be helpful if someone looks for this problem workaround again. share improve..
setResult does not work when BACK button pressed does not work when BACK button pressed I am trying to setResult after the BACK button was pressed. I call in onDestroy.. does not work when BACK button pressed I am trying to setResult after the BACK button was pressed. I call in onDestroy Intent data new Intent setResult RESULT_OK data But when it comes.. button pressed I am trying to setResult after the BACK button was pressed. I call in onDestroy Intent data new Intent setResult RESULT_OK data But when it comes to onActivityResult int requestCode int resultCode Intent data the resultCode is 0 RESULT_CANCELED..
Android - LinearLayout Horizontal with wrapping children self TextView v Sample ds Sample self.getTag Intent myIntent new Intent myIntent.putExtra link_info ds.Sample setResult link_clicked myIntent finish txtSamItem.measure 0 0 widthSoFar txtSamItem.getMeasuredWidth if widthSoFar maxWidth ..
onActivityResult() called prematurely startActivityForResult new Intent .setClass this MyConfigure.class 1458 MyConfigure class does NOT have any setResult calls. In fact MyConfigure class doesn't have any code except OnCreate where it loads preferences using addPreferencesFromResource... right after MyConfigure activity is run. Tested on 1.6 and 2.1 emulators as well as 2.1 device. Is there a call to setResult buried somewhere in PreferenceActivity Or how else can this premature call be explained android activity share improve..
Multiple Instances Of Widget Only Updating Last widget appWidgetId Intent resultValue new Intent resultValue.putExtra AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_ID mAppWidgetId setResult RESULT_OK resultValue finish I pass the Widget ID to the function.... inside the widget I create a Intent like this Intent..
Android: Capturing the return of an activity of the tab to display when you return to the parent app using the extras bundle. To pass it back to the parent call setResult before calling finish to close the camera Activity. resultIntent new Intent null resultIntent.putExtra PUBLIC_STATIC_STRING_IDENTIFIER.. the camera Activity. resultIntent new Intent null resultIntent.putExtra PUBLIC_STATIC_STRING_IDENTIFIER tabIndexValue setResult Activity.RESULT_OK resultIntent finish The final step is in the calling Activity override onActivityResult to listen for..
Android create shortcuts on the home screen
Sending data back to the Main Activity in android to launch your child Activity. This provides a pipeline for sending data back to the main Activity using setResult . The setResult method takes an int result value and an Intent that is passed back to the calling Activity. Intent resultIntent.. launch your child Activity. This provides a pipeline for sending data back to the main Activity using setResult . The setResult method takes an int result value and an Intent that is passed back to the calling Activity. Intent resultIntent new Intent.. to the calling Activity. Intent resultIntent new Intent TODO Add extras or a data URI to this intent as appropriate. setResult Activity.RESULT_OK resultIntent finish To access the returned data in the calling Activity override onActivityResult . The..