android Programming Glossary: setchildtextviewwidths
Creating a table/grid with a frozen column and frozen headers frozenRow contentHeaderTable.addView row else frozenTable.addView frozenRow contentTable.addView row setChildTextViewWidths frozenTableHeaderRow new int maxFrozenChars setChildTextViewWidths contentTableHeaderRow maxContentChars for int i 0 i contentTable.getChildCount.. frozenRow contentTable.addView row setChildTextViewWidths frozenTableHeaderRow new int maxFrozenChars setChildTextViewWidths contentTableHeaderRow maxContentChars for int i 0 i contentTable.getChildCount i TableRow frozenRow TableRow frozenTable.getChildAt.. maxContentChars for int i 0 i contentTable.getChildCount i TableRow frozenRow TableRow frozenTable.getChildAt i setChildTextViewWidths frozenRow new int maxFrozenChars TableRow row TableRow contentTable.getChildAt i setChildTextViewWidths row maxContentChars..