android Programming Glossary: setimagebitmap
Draw Rectangle Over ImageView for highlight that can be zoom in-out in android context super context initialize @Override public void setImageBitmap Bitmap bm super.setImageBitmap bm this.initialize private void.. @Override public void setImageBitmap Bitmap bm super.setImageBitmap bm this.initialize private void initialize this.setScaleType..
Yet another getView called multiple times start an AsyncTask which downloads the image and will call setImageBitmap with the downloaded bitmap. This goes very well but when the.. 10 items. This will cause lag.. But when I remove the setImageBitmap from the AsyncTask this all won't happen What could be the problem.. mUri b if mPosition mHolder.position holder.image.setImageBitmap b getView row convertView ViewHolder holder if row null row..
AsyncTask ImageView from image web using setImageBitmap ImageView from image web using setImageBitmap I have a problem to display this image in my internet. I have.. ... imView ImageView findViewById imView.setImageBitmap bm error Thank you. my code public class CarregaImagem extends.. imView ImageView findViewById imView.setImageBitmap bm error else Toast.makeText activity Não foi possÃvel obter..
Android Pinch and Zoom Image in Activity true indicate event was handled @Override public void setImageBitmap Bitmap bm super.setImageBitmap bm if bm null bmWidth bm.getWidth.. @Override public void setImageBitmap Bitmap bm super.setImageBitmap bm if bm null bmWidth bm.getWidth bmHeight bm.getHeight public..
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? getResources return mResources @Override public void setImageBitmap Bitmap bm throws RuntimeException String detailMessage setImageBitmap.. Bitmap bm throws RuntimeException String detailMessage setImageBitmap not supported use setImageDrawable or setImageResource throw..
Android View.getDrawingCache returns null, only null this work Log.w View View child's drawing cache is null setImageBitmap child.getDrawingCache TODO MAKE THIS WORK ALWAYS logs that the..
Listview shows wrong images image 2 asynchronously image 1 loading is complete calling setImageBitmap on imageView painting position 3 uses image 1 starts loading.. imageView.setVisibility View.GONE imageView.setImageBitmap bitmapList position loadImageBitmap drink position this should..
How can I set image view which stored in file system according to path in database? Bitmap bit BitmapFactory.decodeStream path placeImage.setImageBitmap bit catch IOException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace.. call getAssets anywhere in your activity. There is also a setImageBitmap Bitmap bm method. You can create bitmap from path via BitmapFactory.decodeFile..
Recycle ImageView's Bitmap canvas.drawBitmap bm firstBitmap.getWidth 0 null imageView.setImageBitmap bm And I apply this on more than 10 imageView's which are created.. bitmap.recycle The cast should work since setImageBitmap is implemented as public void setImageBitmap Bitmap bm setImageDrawable.. work since setImageBitmap is implemented as public void setImageBitmap Bitmap bm setImageDrawable new BitmapDrawable mContext.getResources..
How do I modify TouchImageView with double tap to zoom in and out? true indicate event was handled @Override public void setImageBitmap Bitmap bm super.setImageBitmap bm bmWidth bm.getWidth bmHeight.. @Override public void setImageBitmap Bitmap bm super.setImageBitmap bm bmWidth bm.getWidth bmHeight bm.getHeight public void setMaxZoom..
What does Bitmap#recycle() in Android Honeycomb actually DO? recycled the Bitmap data is still retained in memory until setImageBitmap null is called on the ImageView . This may even be the case..
Draw Rectangle Over ImageView for highlight that can be zoom in-out in android super context attr initialize public ImageViewScale Context context super context initialize @Override public void setImageBitmap Bitmap bm super.setImageBitmap bm this.initialize private void initialize this.setScaleType ScaleType.MATRIX this.mMatrix.. public ImageViewScale Context context super context initialize @Override public void setImageBitmap Bitmap bm super.setImageBitmap bm this.initialize private void initialize this.setScaleType ScaleType.MATRIX this.mMatrix new Matrix Drawable d getDrawable..
Yet another getView called multiple times information. I got an URL for the ImageView therefore I start an AsyncTask which downloads the image and will call setImageBitmap with the downloaded bitmap. This goes very well but when the ListView is created the getView is called to often. It calls.. the listview calls again about 7 times the getView for the first 10 items. This will cause lag.. But when I remove the setImageBitmap from the AsyncTask this all won't happen What could be the problem Could it be that some layout is to big which will cause.. @Override protected void onPostExecute Bitmap b if b null mMap.put mUri b if mPosition mHolder.position holder.image.setImageBitmap b getView row convertView ViewHolder holder if row null row vi.inflate R.layout.mylayout null holder new ViewHolder holder.image..
AsyncTask ImageView from image web using setImageBitmap ImageView from image web using setImageBitmap I have a problem to display this image in my internet. I have no idea how to make it work. I am new to android. The problem.. make it work. I am new to android. The problem is that part ... imView ImageView findViewById imView.setImageBitmap bm error Thank you. my code public class CarregaImagem extends AsyncTask String Void String String imageUrl http protected void onPostExecute String imageUrl if imageUrl.equals imView ImageView findViewById imView.setImageBitmap bm error else Toast.makeText activity Não foi possÃvel obter resultados Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show progress.dismiss android..
Android Pinch and Zoom Image in Activity mode NONE break setImageMatrix matrix invalidate return true indicate event was handled @Override public void setImageBitmap Bitmap bm super.setImageBitmap bm if bm null bmWidth bm.getWidth bmHeight bm.getHeight public void setMaxZoom float.. matrix invalidate return true indicate event was handled @Override public void setImageBitmap Bitmap bm super.setImageBitmap bm if bm null bmWidth bm.getWidth bmHeight bm.getHeight public void setMaxZoom float x maxScale x private class ScaleListener..
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? else super.invalidateDrawable dr @Override public Resources getResources return mResources @Override public void setImageBitmap Bitmap bm throws RuntimeException String detailMessage setImageBitmap not supported use setImageDrawable or setImageResource.. return mResources @Override public void setImageBitmap Bitmap bm throws RuntimeException String detailMessage setImageBitmap not supported use setImageDrawable or setImageResource throw new RuntimeException detailMessage @Override public void setImageURI..
Android View.getDrawingCache returns null, only null if child.getDrawingCache null TODO Make this work Log.w View View child's drawing cache is null setImageBitmap child.getDrawingCache TODO MAKE THIS WORK ALWAYS logs that the drawing cache is null and sets the bitmap to null Do I have..
Listview shows wrong images painting position 2 uses placeholder starts loading image 2 asynchronously image 1 loading is complete calling setImageBitmap on imageView painting position 3 uses image 1 starts loading image 3 asynchronously etc. What you can do though is keep.. textView TextView v.findViewById imageView.setVisibility View.GONE imageView.setImageBitmap bitmapList position loadImageBitmap drink position this should call onBitmapLoaded int position Bitmap bmp when finished..
How can I set image view which stored in file system according to path in database? placeImage null try InputStream path getAssets .open imagePath Bitmap bit BitmapFactory.decodeStream path placeImage.setImageBitmap bit catch IOException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace android image filesystems filepath share.. .open String path will be like images pic_1.png . You can call getAssets anywhere in your activity. There is also a setImageBitmap Bitmap bm method. You can create bitmap from path via BitmapFactory.decodeFile String path . share improve this answer..
Recycle ImageView's Bitmap new Canvas bm.get canvas.drawBitmap firstBitmap 0 0 null canvas.drawBitmap bm firstBitmap.getWidth 0 null imageView.setImageBitmap bm And I apply this on more than 10 imageView's which are created one by one. Whenever I create new ImageView I want to.. BitmapDrawable drawable Bitmap bitmap bitmapDrawable.getBitmap bitmap.recycle The cast should work since setImageBitmap is implemented as public void setImageBitmap Bitmap bm setImageDrawable new BitmapDrawable mContext.getResources bm share..
How do I modify TouchImageView with double tap to zoom in and out? mode NONE break setImageMatrix matrix invalidate return true indicate event was handled @Override public void setImageBitmap Bitmap bm super.setImageBitmap bm bmWidth bm.getWidth bmHeight bm.getHeight public void setMaxZoom float x maxScale x private.. matrix invalidate return true indicate event was handled @Override public void setImageBitmap Bitmap bm super.setImageBitmap bm bmWidth bm.getWidth bmHeight bm.getHeight public void setMaxZoom float x maxScale x private class ScaleListener extends..
What does Bitmap#recycle() in Android Honeycomb actually DO? that if an ImageView contains a Bitmap that has been recycled the Bitmap data is still retained in memory until setImageBitmap null is called on the ImageView . This may even be the case if setImageResource ... or setImageDrawable ... are called they..