android Programming Glossary: setonclicklistener
Android custom ListView unable to click on items Button findViewById btnSelectAll.setOnClickListener new Button.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View.. the selected attribute to the inverse end onClick end setOnClickListener Button btnUpdate Button findViewById btnUpdate.setOnClickListener.. btnUpdate Button findViewById btnUpdate.setOnClickListener new Button.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View..
Disabling text selection in PhoneGap public boolean onLongClick View v return true The setOnClickListener is what does the magic. Make sure you put this AFTER your call..
Secondary Activity goes the Main Activity before all the data can be input stub Save Button findViewById Save.setOnClickListener this Newname EditText findViewById Newname.setOnClickListener.. this Newname EditText findViewById Newname.setOnClickListener this NewPersonalPhone EditText findViewById findViewById NewPersonalPhone.setOnClickListener this NewHomePhone EditText findViewById NewHomePhone.setOnClickListener..
Android: ListView elements with multiple clickable buttons can simply add in your custom adapter's getView method a setOnClickListener for the buttons you're using. Any data associated with the button..
Best practice android:onClick XML attribute or setOnClickListener? [duplicate] practice android onClick XML attribute or setOnClickListener duplicate This question already has an answer here How exactly.. exactly does the android onClick XML attribute differ from setOnClickListener 7 answers I'm following Google's Android tutorial and discovered..
Android - How to programmatically set button color identifier setTextColor R.color.info_button_text_color setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener public void onClick View view do stuff..
Is there a way to use setOnClickListener with an Android Spinner? there a way to use setOnClickListener with an Android Spinner The java.lang.RuntimeException is Don't.. Spinner The java.lang.RuntimeException is Don't call setOnClickListener for an AdapterView. You probably want setOnItemClickListener.. with different set of data. Is there a way to use setOnClickListener with an Android Spinner spinner.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener..
Android: setting a spinner onClickListener() following error Java.lang.RuntimeException is Don't call setOnClickListener for an AdapterView. You probably want setOnItemClickListener.. null System.out.println Not found else SpinnerText.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View.. i if v null System.out.println View not found else v.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View..
How exactly does the android:onClick XML attribute differ from setOnClickListener? exactly does the android onClick XML attribute differ from setOnClickListener From that I've read you can assign a onClick handler to a button.. method with the signature void name View v or by using the setOnClickListener method where you pass an object that implement the OnClickListener.. Button btn Button findViewById btn.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View..
adding CheckBox to list row loses my onItemClick events? selectedItems.contains key holder.ckb.setOnClickListener cblistener hook onClick to cblistener return convertView The.. ActionItem copyAction new ActionItem copyAction.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v .. View v ... does some stuff mQuickAction.dismiss end setOnClickListener end onItemClick end QAListener end BaseActivityForList So how..
Android custom ListView unable to click on items btnEnterRegCode.setVisibility View.GONE Button btnSelectAll Button findViewById btnSelectAll.setOnClickListener new Button.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v allSelected allSelected for int i 0 i lookupDb.getUpdateItems.. loop through each UpdateItem and set the selected attribute to the inverse end onClick end setOnClickListener Button btnUpdate Button findViewById btnUpdate.setOnClickListener new Button.OnClickListener @Override public.. to the inverse end onClick end setOnClickListener Button btnUpdate Button findViewById btnUpdate.setOnClickListener new Button.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v end onClick end setOnClickListener lookupDb.close end..
Disabling text selection in PhoneGap new View.OnLongClickListener public boolean onLongClick View v return true The setOnClickListener is what does the magic. Make sure you put this AFTER your call to super.loadUrl. Of course this will disable text selection..
Secondary Activity goes the Main Activity before all the data can be input initialize private void initialize TODO Auto generated method stub Save Button findViewById Save.setOnClickListener this Newname EditText findViewById Newname.setOnClickListener this NewPersonalPhone EditText findViewById Button findViewById Save.setOnClickListener this Newname EditText findViewById Newname.setOnClickListener this NewPersonalPhone EditText findViewById NewPersonalPhone.setOnClickListener this NewHomePhone.. Newname.setOnClickListener this NewPersonalPhone EditText findViewById NewPersonalPhone.setOnClickListener this NewHomePhone EditText findViewById NewHomePhone.setOnClickListener this NewOfficePhone EditText findViewById..
Android: ListView elements with multiple clickable buttons The solution to this is actually easier than I thought. You can simply add in your custom adapter's getView method a setOnClickListener for the buttons you're using. Any data associated with the button has to be added with myButton.setTag in the getView and..
Best practice android:onClick XML attribute or setOnClickListener? [duplicate] practice android onClick XML attribute or setOnClickListener duplicate This question already has an answer here How exactly does the android onClick XML attribute differ from setOnClickListener.. duplicate This question already has an answer here How exactly does the android onClick XML attribute differ from setOnClickListener 7 answers I'm following Google's Android tutorial and discovered that there are two ways you get widget callbacks as..
Android - How to programmatically set button color INFO_BUTTON no button for info.getType setBackgroundResource identifier setTextColor R.color.info_button_text_color setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener public void onClick View view do stuff Then an example of the resource I am using to generate..
Is there a way to use setOnClickListener with an Android Spinner? there a way to use setOnClickListener with an Android Spinner The java.lang.RuntimeException is Don't call setOnClickListener for an AdapterView. You probably.. there a way to use setOnClickListener with an Android Spinner The java.lang.RuntimeException is Don't call setOnClickListener for an AdapterView. You probably want setOnItemClickListener instead but that is not correct. I am using setOnItemClickListener.. moving to another selection since the other selection is associated with different set of data. Is there a way to use setOnClickListener with an Android Spinner spinner.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener public void onClick View v Do some stuff before..
Android: setting a spinner onClickListener() to get an onClickListener to fire on a Spinner but i get the following error Java.lang.RuntimeException is Don't call setOnClickListener for an AdapterView. You probably want setOnItemClickListener instead the thing is im sure I want to call onClickListener.. SpinnerText TextView findViewById if SpinnerText null System.out.println Not found else SpinnerText.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View arg0 Do something layoutspinner.xml xml version 1.0 encoding.. ChildCount b for int i 0 i b i View v spinnerMes.getChildAt i if v null System.out.println View not found else v.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v Click code But logCat isnt showing promising results...
How exactly does the android:onClick XML attribute differ from setOnClickListener? exactly does the android onClick XML attribute differ from setOnClickListener From that I've read you can assign a onClick handler to a button in two ways. Using the android onClick XML attribute where.. XML attribute where you just use the name of a public method with the signature void name View v or by using the setOnClickListener method where you pass an object that implement the OnClickListener interface. The latter often requires an anonymous class.. same but just implemented in two different ways. Code Implementation Button btn Button findViewById btn.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v myFancyMethod v some more code public void myFancyMethod..
adding CheckBox to list row loses my onItemClick events? holder.img.setImageBitmap bm Integer key Integer g.getId holder.ckb.setChecked selectedItems.contains key holder.ckb.setOnClickListener cblistener hook onClick to cblistener return convertView The QAListener is in a superclass for all my list activities public.. has three ActionItem instances 'copyAction' 'delAction' 'editAction' ActionItem copyAction new ActionItem copyAction.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v ... does some stuff mQuickAction.dismiss end setOnClickListener.. new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v ... does some stuff mQuickAction.dismiss end setOnClickListener end onItemClick end QAListener end BaseActivityForList So how do I arrange for the Checkbox to pick up the onClick and the..