android Programming Glossary: setcontent
android: swipe left or right to slide views savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.product_details setContent private void setContent.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.product_details setContent private void setContent Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras.. R.layout.product_details setContent private void setContent Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras TextView title TextView findViewById..
Launching activities within a tab in Android tab it goes back to the original activity defined in the setContent function. Is this possible and how would I go about this from.. the one that defines the TabHost and has access to call setContent java android share improve this question It is possible.. tabHost.addTab tabHost.newTabSpec Tab .setIndicator Tab .setContent new Intent this YourActivityGROUP.class .addFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP..
Android ??Add new tab when button click like Google Chrome new button? savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.activity_main tabHost getTabHost addTab Button.. setupTab View tabBtn Intent setClass String tag TabSpec setContent tabHost.newTabSpec tag .setIndicator tabBtn .setContent setClass.. setContent tabHost.newTabSpec tag .setIndicator tabBtn .setContent setClass tabHost.addTab setContent And here is the
Android - Tabhost working in Activity class this.toString OnCreate super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main Log.i this.toString get tab host TabHost host.. host.newTabSpec one .setIndicator First Results .setContent new Intent this FirstResultsListViewActivity.class host.addTab.. host.newTabSpec two .setIndicator Second Results .setContent new Intent this SecondResultsListViewActivity.class Log.i this.toString..
Android: Change Tab Text Color Programmatically setIndicator is used to set name for the tab. TabSpec setContent is used to set content for a particular tab. firstTabSpec.setIndicator.. getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.tab3 firstTabSpec.setContent new Intent this FirstTab.class secondTabSpec.setContent new.. new Intent this FirstTab.class secondTabSpec.setContent new Intent this SecondTab.class ThirdTabSpec.setContent new..
Adding an intent to a TabActivity in Android View tabview createTabView mTabHost.getContext tag TabSpec setContent mTabHost.newTabSpec tag .setIndicator tabview .setContent new.. setContent mTabHost.newTabSpec tag .setIndicator tabview .setContent new TabContentFactory public View createTabContent String tag.. createTabContent String tag return view mTabHost.addTab setContent private static View createTabView final Context context final..
Android: How to build tabs like the ones show on Android UI Page null tabView.setBackgroundResource selectorId TabSpec setContent tabHost.newTabSpec tag .setIndicator tabView .setContent intent.. setContent tabHost.newTabSpec tag .setIndicator tabView .setContent intent tabHost.addTab setContent view.xml as xml version 1.0.. .setIndicator tabView .setContent intent tabHost.addTab setContent view.xml as xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns..
android: swipe left or right to slide views OnGestureListener @ Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.product_details setContent private void setContent Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras TextView title TextView.. void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.product_details setContent private void setContent Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras TextView title TextView findViewById title.setText.. savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.product_details setContent private void setContent Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras TextView title TextView findViewById title.setText extras.getString Title..
Launching activities within a tab in Android tabs so the tabs remain visible and if the user clicks the tab it goes back to the original activity defined in the setContent function. Is this possible and how would I go about this from other activities ie the child activities not the one that.. about this from other activities ie the child activities not the one that defines the TabHost and has access to call setContent java android share improve this question It is possible to launch activities within tabs . Therefore set the tabspec.. content to an ActivityGroup instead of a regular Activity. tabHost.addTab tabHost.newTabSpec Tab .setIndicator Tab .setContent new Intent this YourActivityGROUP.class .addFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP From within that ActivityGroup you can..
Android ??Add new tab when button click like Google Chrome new button? 0 private TabHost tabHost @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.activity_main tabHost getTabHost addTab Button findViewById .setOnClickListener new OnClickListener.. setupTab tabBtn tabIntent Tab tabIndex protected void setupTab View tabBtn Intent setClass String tag TabSpec setContent tabHost.newTabSpec tag .setIndicator tabBtn .setContent setClass tabHost.addTab setContent And here is the void setupTab View tabBtn Intent setClass String tag TabSpec setContent tabHost.newTabSpec tag .setIndicator tabBtn .setContent setClass tabHost.addTab setContent And here is the file import import android.os.Bundle..
Android - Tabhost working in Activity class public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState Log.i this.toString OnCreate super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main Log.i this.toString get tab host TabHost host TabHost findViewById host.setup Log.i this.toString.. host.setup Log.i this.toString add tabs host.addTab host.newTabSpec one .setIndicator First Results .setContent new Intent this FirstResultsListViewActivity.class host.addTab host.newTabSpec two .setIndicator Second Results .setContent.. new Intent this FirstResultsListViewActivity.class host.addTab host.newTabSpec two .setIndicator Second Results .setContent new Intent this SecondResultsListViewActivity.class Log.i this.toString adjust tab size host.getTabWidget .getChildAt 0..
Android: Change Tab Text Color Programmatically tid2 TabSpec ThirdTabSpec tabHost.newTabSpec tid3 TabSpec setIndicator is used to set name for the tab. TabSpec setContent is used to set content for a particular tab. firstTabSpec.setIndicator Tab1 getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.tab1 secondTabSpec.setIndicator.. .getDrawable R.drawable.tab2 ThirdTabSpec.setIndicator Tab3 getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.tab3 firstTabSpec.setContent new Intent this FirstTab.class secondTabSpec.setContent new Intent this SecondTab.class ThirdTabSpec.setContent new Intent.. Tab3 getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.tab3 firstTabSpec.setContent new Intent this FirstTab.class secondTabSpec.setContent new Intent this SecondTab.class ThirdTabSpec.setContent new Intent this ThirdTab.class Add tabSpec to the TabHost to display...
Adding an intent to a TabActivity in Android Day private void setupTab final View view final String tag View tabview createTabView mTabHost.getContext tag TabSpec setContent mTabHost.newTabSpec tag .setIndicator tabview .setContent new TabContentFactory public View createTabContent String tag.. View tabview createTabView mTabHost.getContext tag TabSpec setContent mTabHost.newTabSpec tag .setIndicator tabview .setContent new TabContentFactory public View createTabContent String tag return view mTabHost.addTab setContent private static View.. tabview .setContent new TabContentFactory public View createTabContent String tag return view mTabHost.addTab setContent private static View createTabView final Context context final String text View view LayoutInflater.from context .inflate..
Android: How to build tabs like the ones show on Android UI Page LayoutInflater.from tabHost.getContext .inflate R.layout.view null tabView.setBackgroundResource selectorId TabSpec setContent tabHost.newTabSpec tag .setIndicator tabView .setContent intent tabHost.addTab setContent view.xml as xml version 1.0 encoding.. null tabView.setBackgroundResource selectorId TabSpec setContent tabHost.newTabSpec tag .setIndicator tabView .setContent intent tabHost.addTab setContent view.xml as xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http selectorId TabSpec setContent tabHost.newTabSpec tag .setIndicator tabView .setContent intent tabHost.addTab setContent view.xml as xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http apk res android android layout_width..